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    madbrit's Avatar
    madbrit Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 4, 2005, 03:03 AM
    Glue on hardwood floor
    Just ripped up the carpet and found maple hardwood floors underneath, on one part there is a stretch where it was glued. Does anyone the best producted to use to remove it? Or is sanding my only option?

    RickJ's Avatar
    RickJ Posts: 7,762, Reputation: 864
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    Oct 4, 2005, 03:52 AM
    Using a chemical to remove the glue will only increase the chance of that place looking very different than the rest of the floor.

    Yes, sanding is best, but be careful to not sand into the floor around it too much. And note in advance that that place will probably still look a bit different.

    If you really want to use the hardwood, I suggest
    1. carefully remove the glue,
    2. use a floor sander to do the whole thing (being careful to keep it moving to keep the sanding uniform), then
    3. use a stain or polyurethane to finish it off.
    labman's Avatar
    labman Posts: 10,580, Reputation: 551
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    Oct 4, 2005, 10:51 AM
    What do you plan to do with the floor? Whatever, scrape the worst of the glue off, perhaps even using ice or dry ice to embrittle it making it lose its adhesion. Most of the chemicals that would dissolve it are toxic, inflammable, or both. The dissolved glue would be drawn deep into the pores of the wood. With the worst of the glue gone, you can recarpet.

    If you plan to refinish the floor, sanding is an art best left to a top professional if you can fine one. Talk to him about the glued area, maybe even in advance and see what he says. It may take extra work for the glue.

    Finally, let me suggest a moisture cure urethane, hard, tough, and chemically bonds to the wood itself. Unfortunately it is hard to find in anything except an ultra high gloss, Rexthane from Sherwin Williams. This material is not to be confused with conventional urethanes with tung oil in them. You can apply 2 coats and move the furniture back in the next day. The odor is terrible.

    I took up the carpet and redid my floor in 1998. Still looks good. Here is a picture of it, and the abuse it gets:

    It has also survived housebreaking 5 puppies.
    RickJ's Avatar
    RickJ Posts: 7,762, Reputation: 864
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    Oct 4, 2005, 11:22 AM
    They do look nice. I take back suggesting stain or polyu. I'm always running into the old floors - so wrongly pictured yours so.

    Hopefully the place where the glue was will not look too bad after removal.
    madbrit's Avatar
    madbrit Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 5, 2005, 02:21 AM
    Thx for your help
    floorsanding's Avatar
    floorsanding Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 3, 2011, 12:01 AM
    Hardwood floor sanding is a process where your flooring is left looking like one of high quality. Floor sanding never makes your flooring look dull and lifeless as the process ensures vitality and shine.

    Beautiful Sanding Wooden flooring

    You have the option of going to a floor sanding company and choosing from a wide range of floor sanding materials ranging from timber to cork. Floor sanding used to be done manually but now with the innovations of technology sanding machines can do wonders to your flooring. Hardwood floor sanding which is done with the help of machines can make your floors look smoother and grander.

    What it takes own stylish flooring

    The hardwood floor sanding process is a simple process which involves cutting sandpaper thereby preparing sandpaper. This is followed by coating the floor with wax or tung oil. If you are the one who is looking out for class, grandeur and style, hardwood floor sanding is the best option to settle in for as it guarantees high quality flooring. Overall it ensures that the floors have a lifetime of beauty. Marks, blemishes and scratch marks can be taken care of by a process called wooden floor restoration and this is sure to being back the Sanding Wooden Floors effect your flooring once possessed.

    Floors that shine the best

    Hardwood floor sanding can be done by choosing from a wide range of sanding materials. Floorboard sanding can be applied on Timber and Cork. Also Floorboard sanding can create a beautiful effect on your flooring making you the proud owner of the choice you have settled in for. When the process of floorboard sanding takes place a few safety measure have to be applied. After the wiring under the flooring is checked it is important for you to know that the floor is sanded with a coarse grade sanding sheet. Soon after this the sanding process takes place and the flooring is coated with vinyl. Floorboard sanding can give a good finishing touch to your flooring. Hardwood floor sanding leaves your floor looking its best at all times.

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