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    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Dec 1, 2009, 10:04 AM

    So many memories with my Momma C.

    My favorite memory is when Starby and I decided to be little devils. I believe it was in the castle. Stringer was big brother, he stole Starby's dolly so we hid his socks and then told on him.

    You sent us all off to bed without supper. ;)

    I remember so many conversations with Starby about you, how much she loves you, how she wished she could meet you in person.

    You've always been there for me Momma C. I know I haven't been there for you as much as I should be. It's so hard. I now you understand that. You remind me so much of my mother.

    I love you so much and I'm glad that you started this thread.

    Now to lighten things up a bit;

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    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Dec 1, 2009, 10:22 AM
    Recharging internet stick and will be back, you. Edit - it did not take long this time as I have the hang of it now. This stick is my life-saver, letting me keep in touch with all of you and sharing again.
    Sharing this particular fear with friends and those who also go through similar is doing a lot of good for me as I am scared as heck. Scared of finding myself all of a sudden short of breath, no nurse button, and nothing to throw at a wall to get attention. The staff here is superb. I get treated like a guest in a hotel, and my almost every wish is granted. I get to smoke in my room, when the oxygen is off and I regulate it. Have to admit that I use not as much as I should, but I don't like sitting here being bored when onxygen break prevents me from chatting. All I get to do then is lay down , feet up and watch the boring shows that have determined to make my life dreary with last season's re-runs. There are a few german shows on that are funny, but some reason, I cannot even stay tuned into them as thoughts of so much goes through my mind. Like, how is my family bearing under this pressure. What do they think about every time the phone rings, or when they call and my phone does not respond - do they wonder what I am doing or where I am now?
    I also wonder how long a coughing session hangs on before going out on me the next time I have one and if it is going to be the last. Grrrr - life - there is such a thin line here right now that make one fear to move the wrong way.
    I then find myself making notes asking Jaime what she did with particular material objects the last few days, even though I have no further use for them. These bring me down memory lane a lot. Today I took my jewelry out of the boxes and polished it remembering where I got each piece, the purpose and the one I want passed to whom. Oh, those memories. Did some more prints of Larry to hang up here and will do some more. Working with pictures of the family helps me smile and feel warm, despite the loss I have to go through there too, but I still have them, and the pictures of all of you - these keep me going and I actually talk to you over and over again, thanking you letting me share this with you. Starby and I talked a lot and laughed a lot, here and at home 'email'. I loved her jovial laughter and the excitement of seeing what her and Alty will come up with next on the Island, in the Castles, and to see what the 'boys' are coming up with the keep me busy.
    If it were not for all of these, I would have gone nuts a long time ago.

    Oops, now it's medicine rush time again, so beware of person changing to cotton-mouth Momma C with fuzzy thoughts of love and missing you all. So if these posts drag out, it is because I want to stay among your warm circle and not get lost just yet.

    Will kick in again in a few minutes after giving the nurses and update of my 'actions' lately. Lol. What actions!
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Dec 1, 2009, 11:42 AM

    Like, how is my family bearing under this pressure. What do they think about every time the phone rings, or when they call and my phone does not respond - do they wonder what I am doing or where I am now?
    I can answer this for you Momma C because I've been on the other end of the phone one too many times.

    Their thoughts are with you, with how you're feeling, whether you're in pain. Every smile that you give them brings them joy, as it does us. Every day that you're doing good is a blessing to them and they will learn, probably already know, that each minute in life is important, special, not to be wasted. That is a gift you've given them and they will carry it with them always.

    You are their light, you're ours as well. When that light goes out for you it will remain for us. At first it will be dim. We'll all feel like it's gone out, that the warmth is gone, but soon we'll remember everything we shared and that light will shine brighter then it ever did before. That too is a gift that you've given.

    Your family will be fine, because you've given them the strength, nurturing and heart that they need to go on They will miss you every single day of their lives, but they'll also smile at the memories and in that way you will live on.

    Jaimie is your immortality, as is little Alex and any other children that come along. You will be that angel, and they are the luckiest people in the world to have an angel like you, both now and after.

    That is what's going through their minds. I know this to be true. :)
    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Dec 1, 2009, 11:44 AM
    Thought of catching you up on the 'hotel' accommodations here - at least on the inside, in my room. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner come on time. I seem to have the munchies real bad at those time.. hmmmm a scheme of sorts? If so, keep it going as eating is a pleasure for the pallate and I plan to enjoy anything that brings me pleasure while it still can.
    My favorite creation here at breakfast is two broetchen with sunflowers, sliced. Then we place butter on first, nutalla second, cream cheese and jelly on top of that. This creates four slices of superbly made cake. Soft and moist and just right right amount of flavor to make you want to have more. Since not much coffee in past years, I enjoy that too. Cappuccino with extra cream and neutrasweet. The rush from the medicine that is working on me is not hindering this lovely feast either.
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    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Dec 1, 2009, 11:48 AM

    Now I'm hungry.

    Pass the Nutella and a spoon. :)
    Stringer's Avatar
    Stringer Posts: 3,733, Reputation: 770
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    Dec 1, 2009, 11:57 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Chery View Post
    Thought of catching you up on the 'hotel' accomodations here - at least on the inside, in my room. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner come on time. I seem to have the munchies real bad at those time.. hmmmm a scheme of sorts? If so, keep it going as eating is a pleasure for the pallate and I plan to enjoy anything that brings me pleasure while it still can.
    My favorite creation here at breakfast is two broetchen with sunflowers, sliced. Then we place butter on first, nutalla second, cream cheese and jelly on top of that. This creates four slices of superbly made cake. Soft and moist and just right right amount of flavor to make you want to have more. Since not much coffee in past years, I enjoy that too. Cappuccino with extra cream and neutrasweet. The rush from the medicine that is working on me is not hindering this lovely feast either.
    Love seeing you hon, you look seriously involved there... :)
    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Dec 1, 2009, 12:04 PM
    Naturally, after a good breakfast like that, one needs to have a coffee and smoke.. You can notice that I gained weight - at least I do! The regular clothes are a bit tight, so I mostly site around in my grubbies, lol...

    I will continue to add more pictures as I go along, and you keep that rapor going girls and boys.. Makes me feel right at home too. Rebby, your portrait is in these pictures to, all you have to do is find it and left me know where it is. You will receive several hits to your site this coming month, I promise. There just might be a problem hooking up to the link from my email address as there is a script error in it. The way to look at my pictures is through the link either I or you send - posting this thread.

    More coming...
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    Stringer's Avatar
    Stringer Posts: 3,733, Reputation: 770
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    Dec 1, 2009, 12:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Chery View Post
    Naturally, after a good breakfast like that, one needs to have a coffee and smoke .. You can notice that I gained weight - at least I do! The regular clothes are a bit tight, so I mostly site around in my grubbies, lol...

    I will continue to add more pictures as I go along, and you keep that rapor going girls and boys.. Makes me feel right at home too. Rebby, your portrait is in these pictures to, all you have to do is find it and left me know where it is. You will receive several hits to your site this coming month, I promise. There just might be a problem hooking up to the link from my email address as there is a script error in it. The way to look at my pictures is through the link either I or you send - posting this thread.

    More coming...
    Wow! I love that smile!
    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Dec 1, 2009, 12:44 PM
    The evening before was spent working on graphics to finish for today. I decided to change my make-up, hoping to look jokingly like Maxine to please myself and help you remember the funny days too. Since I don't know how far I can go with posting some of her pics, I restrict a bit there. Rebby said that I can share the portrait with you in an way, shape and form, and I decided to leave it as beautiful as it is - all you have to do is find it until I reveal it's full beauty.

    So, please, if my get-up offends, let me know - it is not meant to, just to cheer me up - as funny as I'd really like to be...

    I have to use PSP9 to edit the pictures, and then to upload, Picassa crops up to have the picture I chose to insert, there might be more of the same if I am not careful, but I am sure you will understand.

    Notice that I included my fairies, one angel, and another angel from all of you will be posted as soon as she shows up. That angel I received while last in the hospital and she is absolutely beautiful - thanks ever so much, my MOSTEST. The are all so perfect and I am sure they are watching over me as I right.
    Getting my gadgets out too to play with. Wish I found those lamps a lot sooner. I also found out how to manipulate camera to get resolution come out better.
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    Unknown008's Avatar
    Unknown008 Posts: 8,076, Reputation: 723
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    Dec 1, 2009, 12:51 PM

    Lol! Great Pictures! :) :) :)
    Just Dahlia's Avatar
    Just Dahlia Posts: 2,155, Reputation: 445
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    Dec 1, 2009, 01:22 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Stringer View Post
    Wow! I love that smile!
    My thoughts exactly!:D
    Cat1864's Avatar
    Cat1864 Posts: 8,007, Reputation: 3687
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    Dec 1, 2009, 07:59 PM
    Chery, you are beautiful. :)

    Did you know that your smile is contagious? I saw it and now I can't stop smiling.
    amicon's Avatar
    amicon Posts: 6,066, Reputation: 1911
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    Dec 2, 2009, 12:23 AM

    Good morning-love your pics-and the new post.
    Wishing you a good day.
    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
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    Dec 2, 2009, 04:40 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Cat1864 View Post
    Chery, you are beautiful. :)

    Did you know that your smile is contagious? I saw it and now I can't stop smiling.
    That was a rare thought at the moment to produce that smile too. Thanks for being here with me, cat.

    Speaking of cats, going to concentrate on Larry some and see if I can get in some good ones of him since all I have to go on are the most recent pictures and he's not in my lap right now to show new ones. I miss that fella so much. His purring echoes in my ears still and the vibrations of his tummy when I stroke him make me want to cry at times, but I do have my memories to go by and they are yet pretty strong. Again, I am so glad that he is where he should be, with Jaime and Alex and Dan... being a good boy and enjoying the remainder of his years without stress. His stress level has gone down and he does not upchuck any more - which is a positive sign of comfort and care. I truly am a lucky girl in this scenario of life and hope it continues.

    c. u. all later - working on his pictures now.
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Dec 2, 2009, 06:59 AM

    Hi Chery, we haven't met yet but I have read a lot of your posts.
    You really are an inspiration as others have said.

    Love the photos, and I'm sure Larry misses you just as much but understands what is going on. Pets have somewhat of a sixth sense for knowing what is wrong with their masters.
    88sunflower's Avatar
    88sunflower Posts: 1,207, Reputation: 462
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    Dec 2, 2009, 09:03 AM
    Oh Chery I so agree with cat. That smile of yours is beautiful and stays with me all day.

    Hope to see those pictures of Larry. I have to kitties of my own and they are beautiful. Homer and Marge. I will send pics when I can.
    Cat1864's Avatar
    Cat1864 Posts: 8,007, Reputation: 3687
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    Dec 2, 2009, 10:34 AM
    Chery, you're more than welcome to whatever support I can give. I have seen how much you have given and I am glad you are getting that support back.

    I look forward to seeing more pictures of Larry and reading more stories about him. I don't know if it would help, but have you thought about writing down stories about Larry for Alex to read when he gets older.
    Just Dahlia's Avatar
    Just Dahlia Posts: 2,155, Reputation: 445
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    Dec 3, 2009, 09:55 PM
    Didn't hear from you today:)
    Are you still updating your pictures?
    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
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    Dec 4, 2009, 05:57 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Just Dahlia View Post
    Didn't hear from you today:)
    Are you still updating your pictures?
    am working on the update and th e dumb pictures bringes, wich is getting harder to do
    shihouzhuge's Avatar
    shihouzhuge Posts: 131, Reputation: 6
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    Dec 5, 2009, 09:01 AM

    Hi, beautiful lady, if I could call you like that...
    Wish you happy!


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