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    thasan26's Avatar
    thasan26 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 17, 2005, 09:36 PM
    Need Wiring help for a White-Rodgers Thermostat
    I have 2 wire (red & White) heat only system. It is steam heat run by gas. Currently I have Honeywell thermostat which uses 3 AA batteries. Thermostat has R, RC, O, W, Y, G terminals. R and RC terminals are connected by a jumper cable. I have Red wire connected to terminal R and white wire connected to terminal W.

    Recently, I bought a White-Rodgers programmable thermostat with remote sensor. Which uses AC power, no batteries. White-Rodgers tech support told me I need one wire connected to terminal C (24 volt common), one wire connected to terminal R (24 volt Hot) and one wire connected to terminal W1 (Heating Relay ). But I have only 2 wires!! Tech support also told me I cannot use a jumper cable to connect terminal C and R. Terminal C and R should have separate power. I tried and field to run another wire from the transformer to the thermostat. When I called them again, I was told to install another transformer close to the thermostat and provide the extra 24 volt power from there. Now, I have 4 wires. Red and White wires coming from the basement and two new wires are coming from the terminal A and B of the new transformer.

    I am not sure which wire would go to terminal C, R and W1. Could anyone help me with the wiring?


    msal's Avatar
    msal Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 21, 2008, 01:50 PM

    I, think this information will be use full
    MarkwithaK's Avatar
    MarkwithaK Posts: 955, Reputation: 107
    Senior Member

    Dec 21, 2008, 01:53 PM

    Now I am not a computer internet genius or anything but is this some sort of spam bot or something. Same post in other outdated threads.

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