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    ashton97's Avatar
    ashton97 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 29, 2007, 07:14 PM
    Replacing old honeywell thermostat with new programmable

    I am in the process of replacing an old honeywell thermostat (Q539A1014) that was installed by a HVAC prof. about two years ago. We wanted to upgrade to a programmable thermostat.

    We purchased a RTH6300B Honeywell. I was told by the home improvement store this was compatible and an easy switch.

    The old model has the following:Terminal designations: R,W,Y,B,G,O. Single transormer conventional heating-cooling systems.

    The connections on the old unit (the colors matched the letters and this was wired by a professional, so I assumed it was correct)

    R- red wire
    W- white wire
    G- green wire
    Y- yellow wire

    New t-stat:
    W O/B- white
    Not used
    Y- yellow
    R- red

    I am not sure what to do with the blue wire. We didn't use it and now the outside AC unit is not functioning. The inside fan is running. Not sure if I should connect the blue, if I programmed the unit incorrectly, or if I should call a professional.

    I thought this would be easy, but I was mistaken!
    acetc's Avatar
    acetc Posts: 1,004, Reputation: 79
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    Aug 29, 2007, 07:24 PM
    Turn off power first then put a jumper between "R and RC", disconnect white wire and put blue to "W,O/B" terminal. The white wire may be for a aux. heater (electric heat strips) tape off for now, if you do have heat strips you need a two stage heat pump thermostat .Program thermostat for "B" in heating mode.
    Good luck. Mike
    koobiidoobii's Avatar
    koobiidoobii Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 25, 2009, 03:06 PM

    I just tried this and nothing happened. It was very easy to install but if it doesn't work... well what?
    Joshdta's Avatar
    Joshdta Posts: 2,549, Reputation: 45
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    Apr 25, 2009, 03:15 PM

    Is this the same post as the other?

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