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    yan-san's Avatar
    yan-san Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Sep 3, 2007, 01:06 PM
    Connect Honeywell Thermostat in place of old Lennox
    I have a Lennox thermostat 67K4801 with numbers > and 3AAT89B38G1. > (Y1 G. O. R. L. T. C. W1. E.) I just purchased a Honeywell Programmabel to replace the old Lennox.
    The wiring instruction booklet shows all alternate wiring combination, except how to connect the T terminal.
    Please help!

    acetc's Avatar
    acetc Posts: 1,004, Reputation: 79
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    Sep 3, 2007, 05:12 PM
    T will not be used, tape it off, this is for a outside thermister.
    johnhoneywell's Avatar
    johnhoneywell Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 19, 2012, 09:18 AM
    I am attempting to replace a Lennox thermostat with a Honeywell. The fan function works but the heat pump unit will not.
    The Lennox Heat Pump system thermostat numbers are 67K 4801 and 3AAT89B38G1. It has a Norm & EM Heat switch. Wire terminal connectors are G, Y1,R, L, T,C, W1, E, and O. Wires connections were: G-Green. Y1-Yellow, R-Red, L- none, T-none, C-Black, W1-white, E-none, O-Orange.
    The Honeywell thermostat number is RTH7600 Series. Its heat pump connectors are: C, G, Y, O/B,RC, and R on the left side and Aux, E, and L on the right side. I have connected the wires as follows: C-Black, G-Green, Y-Yellow, O/B-Orange, RC&R bridge-Red, Aux&E bridge-W, and L-none.
    Can you help?

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