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    sweetblood_15's Avatar
    sweetblood_15 Posts: 71, Reputation: 4
    Junior Member

    Apr 25, 2007, 07:00 PM
    I only have until may 11th!
    I'm going to Florida and my mom will not let me wear a 2 piece unless my body is "physically fit" I only have a bikini and I need a bathing suit to go to Florida... we don't have enough money to buy a nice bathing suit, and I really hate one pieces... they are just too uncomfortable and frustrating... how can I get in good enough shape to wear a 2 piece? I'm only 5"2' and I weigh about 163 lbs...
    Bluerose's Avatar
    Bluerose Posts: 1,521, Reputation: 310
    Ultra Member

    Apr 26, 2007, 01:09 AM
    Okay you have about two weeks and if you are prepared to be really strict with yourself you will look and feel really good. Having said that, I’m a little concerned as to the impression your mum is making on you with this two-piece conditions thingy.

    But never mind that for now…… Right you have two weeks. Even if you don’t need to lose weight, toning up your body will make an amazing difference to how you look and feel - the enfaces being on how you feel.

    I’m no expert but I say speed walk two miles or more every day. Eat a good healthy breakfast of cereal and skimmed milk, and throughout the day eat fresh fruit and drink lots of water (it’s great for your complexion). Have a nice healthy dinner consisting mostly of salad, followed by fresh fruit dessert. Avoid eating after a certain time at night, say 8pm.

    Tip: Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t stick to it - just make every day a new day and start over. Avoid weighing yourself, this goes up and down too much and may be discouraging.

    Good luck and enjoy your holiday.
    cense2's Avatar
    cense2 Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 26, 2007, 07:47 PM
    Hi, I hope this helps.
    First, Physically fit" is a good way to phrase it. You can build muscle and tighten up pretty well in 2 weeks. Women actually build muscle at a slightly faster rate then men though they cannot bulk up as easily because of lack of testosterone. Luckily your not looking to bulk up. Try to tone your upper body one day and your lower the next. Walking is good for your lower body along with squats and lunges. If you have 10 pound weights use them for upper body. Push-ups are also fine and building up your deltoids gives you the appearance of having a smaller waist. You can search the web for deltoid and other exercises.

    Second, What you eat when you exercise makes all the difference. Eat protein for breakfast, As this keeps you full longer. The reason for this is that it does not cause a spike in your blood sugar like bread and cereal do. When your blood sugar rises and drops suddenly it makes you hungry again. According to multiple studies, which you can google to find, People who eat mainly protein for breakfast eat an average of 18% less per day than those who eat many carbs.
    Stay away from carbonated beverages and to much sodium as they will make you retain water. Also, the more water you drink the less you retain and water is the key to weightloss as your body needs it to flush out toxins you release when losing fat.

    Thirdly, When you start building muscle and working out you will feel "physically fit" and I'm sure everyone else will feel it as well.

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