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    Vacuum7's Avatar
    Vacuum7 Posts: 47, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 1, 2019, 07:12 AM
    jlisenbe: To Talaniman's defense, he did say Biden was "Fair Game" to go after because he is running for POTUS......I hope the law is fair and the dragnet takes on all collections and evaluates each before throwing certain ones out and saying that they are O.K.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 1, 2019, 09:00 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    So Hunter Biden gets paid millions of dollars for doing...nothing? All of you who seem to be so skilled in reading between the lines on Trump's phone call, can you read between the lines on that one? Biden, as VP, was prohibited from taking money from foreign entities, so he instead sends his son to rake it in. Sound OK to you?
    Sounds like you might be making it up with no evidence whatsoever that Jo sent his son to make millions in his place, or that his son got paid for nothing just because he was on the board of an energy company. Show me the evidence for my perusal please.

    And now we know that Biden lied about discussing that business deal with his son. As it is being reported, "'I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden said, pointing the finger at President Trump. “I know Trump deserves to be investigated. He is violating every basic norm of a president. You should be asking him why is he on the phone with a foreign leader, trying to intimidate a foreign leader. You should be looking at Trump.'

    Hunter Biden told The New Yorker previously that he and his father had spoken “just once” about his work in Ukraine."
    What was said between them, maybe Joe just didn't remember because there were no memorable details or maybe it was "I got a job dad!" Okay maybe he lied about that one conversation. We still should be looking at the dufus for what he does, and his public release of his memo. Right, or that one lie means the dufus should NOT be looked at for his many lies?

    That's not logical. Nor fact based so where's your evidence of wrong doing? I can wait, I have time.

    And now a picture has surfaced of the Bidens playing golf with...guess who. Two reps from the Ukranian business which employed Hunter. And they didn't talk business?? Right. So, all of you who are howling for Trump's head, let's see if you really believe in the rule of law and in the ethical behavior of government officials.

    None of this is coming from second hand sources. It is all right in front of us for all to see.
    I will see your golf photo, and raise you the many golf photos of the dufus and his rich friends not just on the golf course, but the many other properties he has at taxpayer expense. You think they were talking golf or food, or females? Yeah we have a video of the dufus and Epstein too.

    Tell you what you investigate Biden or anyone else you want to, and we investigate the dufus. FAIR?
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Oct 1, 2019, 09:51 AM
    Sounds like you might be making it up with no evidence whatsoever that Jo sent his son to make millions in his place, or that his son got paid for nothing just because he was on the board of an energy company. Show me the evidence for my perusal please.
    Biden claims to have not talked with son about the job. The son said he did. There is a pic of the two of them playing golf with two of the company's officials. Now I realize that liberal dems will look at that like they looked at AG Lynch meeting with BC in secret for nearly an hour, and then just a few days later we see the FBI decline to press charges against HC after saying that she did, in fact, violate the law. Well, nothing to see here. Just keep moving. Nothing to see here.

    What was said between them, maybe Joe just didn't remember because there were no memorable details or maybe it was "I got a job dad!" Okay maybe he lied about that one conversation. We still should be looking at the dufus for what he does, and his public release of his memo. Right, or that one lie means the dufus should NOT be looked at for his many lies?
    Now let's see if you are going to apply that same wonderfully reasonable approach to Mr. Trump, or for that matter if you applied it to Judge Kavanaugh at his hearing where there was basically nothing credible against him other than the story of a person with an incredibly inefficient memory.

    That's not logical. Nor fact based so where's your evidence of wrong doing? I can wait, I have time.
    We can both wait. The evidence against Trump and the evidence against Biden are, in both cases, circumstantial. The difference is that the liberal dems, as they seem to always do, are enraged anytime Trump sneezes, but indifferent as to what any liberal dem might do.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 1, 2019, 10:04 AM
    Doesn't compare to the right wing outrage at the Clintons or decades long efforts to bring them down, and for the record screw your frat boy, and your ignorance of the trauma of assault victims. I can bet if you were assaulted your memory would be somewhat deficient, especially without witnesses, or a co conspirator lying for his buddy. I believe Ms. Ford over the young drunks every time.
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Oct 1, 2019, 11:33 AM
    for the record screw your frat boy, and your ignorance of the trauma of assault victims. I can bet if you were assaulted your memory would be somewhat deficient, especially without witnesses, or a co conspirator lying for his buddy. I believe Ms. Ford over the young drunks every time.
    He was in a fraternity, so he must be guilty? No real evidence, and the case would never have made into a court room because of a lack of evidence, but he must be guilty because he was a "frat boy". Good grief. What an approach to justice. You had your mind made up before there was ever a minute of testimony. You say there were not witnesses, but Ford alleged there were, and yet the two people she named did not even remember knowing Kavanaugh or being at the party.

    Your attitude towards Kavanaugh is the textbook definition of prejudice. You made your mind up before the "facts" were even presented. He must be guilty because, after all, he's "frat boy".

    Now you are so even-handed in your treatment of Biden, but guess who else was a "frat boy"? If you guessed Joe Biden, then you guessed right. Why is it that Kavanaugh was automatically guilty, but you insist on a rational and fair evaluation of the evidence against Biden? Why do you treat the two men so differently? Could politics have anything to do with it?
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 1, 2019, 11:41 AM
    Was Biden a drunk frat boy? Any claims of assault or bad behavior? Can you not see the difference? Your ability to compare and conflate as equal two different things never ceases to amaze me. Is that prejudice on YOUR part, or just politics.

    Doesn't matter I suppose, I ain't going for it.
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Oct 1, 2019, 12:42 PM
    Was Biden a drunk frat boy? Any claims of assault or bad behavior? Can you not see the difference? Your ability to compare and conflate as equal two different things never ceases to amaze me. Is that prejudice on YOUR part, or just politics.
    Was Biden a drunk frat boy? I don't know. Do you? As to Kavanaugh, he was in high school when this supposed incident took place, so he was not a frat boy at that point. Can you assure us you never drank in high school or college? If so, then wouldn't that put you in the same category as Judge K other than not having a bogus charge of assault filed against you?

    There is an allegation of bad behavior of Biden now, but you are completely willing to wait for the evidence. Why weren't you willing to do that for Kavanaugh?
    Vacuum7's Avatar
    Vacuum7 Posts: 47, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 1, 2019, 12:54 PM
    Just let the EVIDENCE lead in all this. If there is evidence, let's here it, thoroughly....If there isn't any evidence, let's just let things go.

    I never liked frat boys: I always said that they were the best friends money could buy! But, I don't believe in guilt by association either or that you can stereotype people because of their associations with a given group: You just don't know the context of the relationship or the individual specimen's behavior. I will say this, though: Many people ACT differently in groups than they do individually...its the pack mentality.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 1, 2019, 03:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Was Biden a drunk frat boy? I don't know. Do you? As to Kavanaugh, he was in high school when this supposed incident took place, so he was not a frat boy at that point. Can you assure us you never drank in high school or college? If so, then wouldn't that put you in the same category as Judge K other than not having a bogus charge of assault filed against you?

    There is an allegation of bad behavior of Biden now, but you are completely willing to wait for the evidence. Why weren't you willing to do that for Kavanaugh?
    He was a drunk frat boy in college, according to his college mates, but not a peep about Biden, and for the record I was guzzling Wild Irish Rose among other things at a young age and through HS and college and beyond until I saw the light. Drunk maybe but no assaults against women ever. Do brawls count? Plenty of those too. I own my words, and actions, and history, no Boy Scouts here. Not so sure about how bogus his assault allegation was, he was never charged, but I believe the victim's testimony unproved and unsubstantiated as it was. I know a lot of females in that same situation, too many to be dismissed summarily, sham investigation notwithstanding!

    If you think I would believe allegations by a lying cheating dufus or his ilk on ANY subject without some damn hard evidence then you mistake me for someone else. I have more common sense than that. Like you said allegations are not evidence, and he was a drunk frat boy, and no comparison to me, or Joe!
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Oct 1, 2019, 08:54 PM
    he was a drunk frat boy, and no comparison to me, or Joe!
    Well of course there is. He was a college student that sometimes drank too much just like you just said you were. There is, in fact, a very good comparison.

    In Kavanaugh's case, he was never accused of sexual assault UNTIL he was nominated to the SC and was seen as giving the court a conservative majority. How interesting!! Does that remind you of Clarence Thomas??? So you are a conservative nominated to the SCOTUS and suddenly a woman who has been strangely silent all those years decides to come forward. And you wonder why I am suspicious?
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    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 2, 2019, 06:35 AM
    Nothing to be suspicious of. You got the drunk frat boy who may or may not have assaulted a teen age girl on SCOTUS, just like you got a lying cheating dufus in POTUS. Still you beetch! Save it for when we dump the dufus.
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Oct 2, 2019, 10:44 AM
    You got the drunk frat boy who may or may not have assaulted a teen age girl
    But the same thing is true of you and me except we were not in fraternities. But for all you know, or for all I know, the other one might have done that very thing. And that's what happens when you support these partisan witch hunts. You cheapen the process of justice and reduce it to nothing more than believing unsupported allegations simply because of politics.

    just like you got a lying cheating dufus in POTUS.
    You had the same thing in Obama, but it didn't bother you with him. Politics.
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    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 2, 2019, 10:59 AM
    You slam us we slam you, okay that's politics. So what now? I suggest you learn to duck when you see rocks in my hand. Oh, wait Itold you that already. You may as well relax and enjoy the popcorn like me and Vac. Watch him, he likes popcorn and is rather greedy with his big hands.

    Wonder what the State Dept. IG wants to see the bi partisan, bucameral, multi commitee about?
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Oct 2, 2019, 06:38 PM
    You slam us we slam you, okay that's politics. So what now? I suggest you learn to duck when you see rocks in my hand. Oh, wait Itold you that already. You may as well relax and enjoy the popcorn like me and Vac. Watch him, he likes popcorn and is rather greedy with his big hands.
    Maybe we ought to be concerned about the truth.
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    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 3, 2019, 03:59 AM
    Start with the dufus is a lying cheating bully with a self serving agenda. Not a fit leader at all for this nation. Unfortunately we got what we deserve.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Oct 3, 2019, 06:42 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Start with the dufus is a lying cheating bully with a self serving agenda. Not a fit leader at all for this nation. Unfortunately we got what we deserve.
    well at least you recognise that, you deserve him
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Oct 3, 2019, 07:00 AM
    Start with the dufus is a lying cheating bully with a self serving agenda. Not a fit leader at all for this nation. Unfortunately we got what we deserve.
    Your protest would sound a lot more genuine if it had started several years earlier with the many scandals of the Obama administration. Your selective outrage just rings hollow now.
    Vacuum7's Avatar
    Vacuum7 Posts: 47, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 3, 2019, 07:28 AM
    Paraclete & Talaniman: Got news for you: ALL of the Congress and Senate are also doesn't start or stop with Trump: Not a one of them is clean: How else do you reconcile their personal wealth compared to their salaries? YOU CAN'T DO IT! If you started having investigative "COMMITTEES" delving into every member of Congress and Senate, you would find every single of them is filthy after a couple of years. Even that idealistic, young, beautiful, gorgeous, dreamy looking Congress woman from N.Y., Miss AOC, who happens to be socialists, is, more likely than not, well on her way already to becoming tainted with what appears to be legalized theft.

    The American people's views of what constitutes an elected official is "Institutionalized" in our thought processes about career politicians being considered "normal", expected behavior for the leadership in the U.S.: This is all they know, at this point! It is no less akin to those populations that have been born and raised under dictatorships thinking that that is the normal behavior and mechanics of how the "system" is supposed to operate. The Founding Fathers did not intend for people to get into Congress and Senate and sit their asses ensconced for life! That was never intended!

    I would be very happy if the U.S. NEVER EVER HAD ANOTHER CAREER POLITICIAN AS POTUS. Trump isn't the man for the job? O.K.....but that doesn't mean that we should revert back to our old way of pulling a denizen out of the swamp and putting him in as POTUS. Trump's "SWAMP" analogy isn't that far off the mark.
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Oct 3, 2019, 08:39 AM
    Words cannot express how happy I am that AOC is a democrat and not a republican.

    Paraclete & Talaniman: Got news for you: ALL of the Congress and Senate are also doesn't start or stop with Trump: Not a one of them is clean:
    I wouldn't go quite that far. I think there are some honest members, but yes, many of them are corrupt. The difference is that a career politician, like Obama, for instance, becomes skilled at cover up. They never come out and say completely what they believe. They manipulate the fog very well. Trump, on the other hand, just thinks it and says it. You might not like him, but at least you do know where he stands.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 3, 2019, 08:56 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Your protest would sound a lot more genuine if it had started several years earlier with the many scandals of the Obama administration. Your selective outrage just rings hollow now.
    It's MY outrage and I will select who took aim it at.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Paraclete & Talaniman: Got news for you: ALL of the Congress and Senate are also doesn't start or stop with Trump: Not a one of them is clean: How else do you reconcile their personal wealth compared to their salaries? YOU CAN'T DO IT! If you started having investigative "COMMITTEES" delving into every member of Congress and Senate, you would find every single of them is filthy after a couple of years. Even that idealistic, young, beautiful, gorgeous, dreamy looking Congress woman from N.Y., Miss AOC, who happens to be socialists, is, more likely than not, well on her way already to becoming tainted with what appears to be legalized theft.

    The American people's views of what constitutes an elected official is "Institutionalized" in our thought processes about career politicians being considered "normal", expected behavior for the leadership in the U.S.: This is all they know, at this point! It is no less akin to those populations that have been born and raised under dictatorships thinking that that is the normal behavior and mechanics of how the "system" is supposed to operate. The Founding Fathers did not intend for people to get into Congress and Senate and sit their asses ensconced for life! That was never intended!

    I would be very happy if the U.S. NEVER EVER HAD ANOTHER CAREER POLITICIAN AS POTUS. Trump isn't the man for the job? O.K.....but that doesn't mean that we should revert back to our old way of pulling a denizen out of the swamp and putting him in as POTUS. Trump's "SWAMP" analogy isn't that far off the mark.
    I got nothing against better vetting, or MAYBE term limits.

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