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Why has my 5 year old dog began pooing in the house?
[ 2 Answers ]
in the last month my 5 year old, house trained, westie has began to randomly poo in the living room. Is it because we leave him in his crate for too long? He seems perfectly happy to stay in his crate no longer than 5 hours as long as he gets a good walk before or after? By the looks of it, its not...
Peeing and pooing
[ 5 Answers ]
He is 16 weeks. We have a large pen in the kitchen. At one end is his sleeping area and at the other end is a large cookie tray for pooing and peeing. Sometimes he pees on the lg. tray and sometimes poos on it. Most of the time he does his business anywhere in the pen including on his blankets,...
My 4 year old male keeps weeing in the house.
[ 8 Answers ]
We've had two jack russels for around 4 years now, they are treated well, walked, bathed and so on. Even though we haven't trained them to be super obedient such as always sitting when told to or barking on command, they are good dogs (even if the mis-behave at times) . But the problem is with the...
Rescued Puppy Pooing in House
[ 3 Answers ]
I recently rescued a German Shepherd mix puppy from a family who kept him tied in their back yard to a tree with no shelter, food, water, or attention. My vet and I guess him to be about 6-7 months old. Considering this poor pup was chained outside for the first months of his life with no...
My dog keeps weeing.
[ 4 Answers ]
Hello, My dog Chucky is great and during the day will always ask to go out for his business. However he has recently started to go during the night. I've sought advice and have followed it by taking away his water an hour before he goes to bed and although that worked for a few nights, he's... View more questions Search