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I want to write a song
[ 165 Answers ]
Heyy Can any one help me write a song I want to write one for my mom but I'm not very good please help me Sam Xx:confused:
Can someone write me a song?
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I have been told that I have an amazong voice, ad now I need a song to tart off with. Can anyone write me that song?
Can anyone write a song for me?
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I don't know how to write a song can someone help me please
Can someone write me a song?
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Can someone please write me a song? :p I'm a potential artist/singer and I need a song to get my ''career" started. I've tried to write my own songs but nothing works. So, if someone would please be so kind as to write me a song, I don't really have a specific genre I want it to be in, I just... View more questions Search