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    xnimmies's Avatar
    xnimmies Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 1, 2009, 11:54 PM
    Mating a 9 month old chihuahua

    My love and I are proud owners of two chihuahua's. One of them is a full bred teacup long haired chihuahua & the other is a long haired chihuahua mix with papion. The mixed is at the moment 3 months and growing up strong healthy, even possibly going to be bigger than him (which we are rooting for). Well my concern is, I want to mate her at nine months, but I don't want any chance of loosing her. The only reason we see some hope in sooner than later, is her mother succesfully conceived her puppies at nine months. Opinions would be appreciated. :)

    [Pictures of them].

    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Dec 2, 2009, 12:29 AM

    If you mate your dog at 9 months old you will most probably kill her. She is still a baby... that would be like a 10 year old girl deciding to have a baby.

    Get them both fixed, you shouldn't be breeding mixed breeds anyway, and a 'teacup' Chihuahua is nothing more than the runt of the litter.

    I foresee this being a disaster if you go through with it.
    Are either of these dogs health tested, do you know if their patellas are OK, have they been tested for PRA?
    I'm sorry but I highly doubt it.
    xnimmies's Avatar
    xnimmies Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 2, 2009, 06:02 PM

    I plan on seeing a vet tomorrow for their opinion. Where they can take a look at her and see for themselves, she's only 3 months, its still 6 months away before any decision is made and she's already near his height.

    Thank you for you opinions, I'll take them into consideration.
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Dec 2, 2009, 06:54 PM

    While I am very against backyard breeding as well as breeding mutts if you are dead set on doing this please wait until she is 2 years old for her own body to grow up before pumping puppies out of her.
    Sariss's Avatar
    Sariss Posts: 1,471, Reputation: 244
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    Dec 10, 2009, 05:55 PM

    Ontop of the fact that you should NOT breed a dog at 9 months (what the HECK are you thinking), this is a huge pet peeve of mine.

    THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A TEACUP. Congrats, you overpaid for an unhealthy runt.
    Silverfoxkit's Avatar
    Silverfoxkit Posts: 798, Reputation: 264
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    Dec 11, 2009, 01:54 PM

    As everyone else has told you, 9 months old is too young to be breeding a dog. She is still a puppy herself at her age. There is no good reason to breed her this soon other then greed and impatience. If you care about your dogs health, which you must to some degree to be online asking and no just doing it, then you will decide to wait or forgo the idea all together preferably. Her mother may have been breed way too soon successfully but that only means she came from a bad breeder and not that it is smart or safe. Can a 12 year old little girl have a healthy baby? Yes. Should she? Does that mean that when her daughter is 12 its okay for her? Just the same as humans a dog needs to be both physically and mentally ready to have babies which a child or puppy is not.

    I understand that the label "teacup" is big and popular. People breed them to be smaller and smaller for popularity reasons and that this doesn't mean that your dog is the runt of the litter necessarily, they may have all been small, but rather that the litter itself is at high risks for health problems since the breeding of "teacups" is unregulated. The smaller you breed them the more likely they are to be born with health problems or develop health problems, hypoglycemia just as a quick example. Their bones are so small and fragile they will be more prone to breaks and injuries from simple or small jumps or falls.

    I would like to try and address some common mind sets so that you may understand where we are coming from more clearly.

    People breed them all of the time right? Its no big deal. If they can do it then why not me?
    -That is actually the root of the problem. People, like the ones you got this puppy from, breed these dogs with absolutely no knowledge or concern for the health of the puppies and the breed. They breed them far too you and without any genetic testing whatsoever. This means dogs with genetic health problems are being bred prolifically. They sell the puppies then they buyers continue the cycle, deeply ingraining these serious health issues into the breed.

    But my dog is perfectly healthy! I love him/her and feed him/her well and take good care of my dog! My vet says my dog is okay! These people online just want to harp at me for no good reason. They don't know me or my dogs and they don't understand.
    -Your dog may be the picture of health - right now. There are many, many genetic problems that do not arise until later in life. By then your dog may already have had several litters and already passed this problem on. Without testing before breeding by the time many "breeders" know of the problem its far too late to not breed. We are not here to put you down as a person or because we do not care. You may be a good person, just a little confused and we are here to help you understand why this is a bad idea. We care about the health of your dog and your dogs potential puppies deeply and only want you to make the right decisions for the dog.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Dec 12, 2009, 01:36 AM

    Harshness alert!

    You don't know one thing about breeding. You don't even know that breeding a dog at 9 months of age is a death sentence.

    This makes you the worst of the worst. You're a backyard breeder, a word that breeders use with the utmost contempt. You're in the same class as puppymills.

    Why do you want to breed this pet that you claim to love so much? A bit of extra cash in your pocket? Is that it?

    There are millions of dogs killed every year in shelters because of people like you, greedy uneducated backyard breeders.

    Yes I'm mad. I see the results of your breeding every day. Would you like to see what happens when people like you breed? I'd post pictures, but they're too gruesome to put on a public forum.

    Think about this before you go ahead with it. The life you save may be your dogs!

    Also, sorry that I'm being harsh, but you need to hear this, because sadly it's the truth.
    dejia143's Avatar
    dejia143 Posts: 7, Reputation: 0

    Dec 30, 2009, 05:34 PM
    All I have to say is yea, I don't like back yard breeders or puppy mills or all the unwanted pets ending up in shelters, BUT who are we HUMANS to say that GOD created dogs wrong. HE created them to go in heat at 9 months and in the wild do you think they tell the males, no way honey, not till I'm at least two years old. Ha! He made them to be able to breed at that age, humans say different.
    Sariss's Avatar
    Sariss Posts: 1,471, Reputation: 244
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    Dec 30, 2009, 05:41 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by dejia143 View Post
    all I have to say is yea, I dont like back yard breeders or puppy mills or all the unwanted pets ending up in shelters, BUT who are we HUMANS to say that GOD created dogs wrong. HE created them to go in heat at 9 months and in the wild do you think they tell the males, no way honey, not till I'm at least two years old. Ha! He made them to be able to breed at that age, humans say different.
    So, when I have a kid and when she gets her period at 7 or 8, I'll make sure she goes and gets pregnant.

    Just because it happens how it does, doesn't mean it's right.

    If god created dogs to go into heat when they are 6 months (thats when they usually do, btw), why would he create him in a way that it would kill them many of the times?
    Even if 'god' created wolves, he did not create the domesticated dog - man did, and man's doing made them the way they are when it comes to breeding.
    dejia143's Avatar
    dejia143 Posts: 7, Reputation: 0

    Dec 30, 2009, 06:54 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Sariss View Post
    So, when I have a kid and when she gets her period at 7 or 8, I'll make sure she goes and gets pregnant.

    Just because it happens how it does, doesn't mean it's right.

    If god created dogs to go into heat when they are 6 months (thats when they usually do, btw), why would he create him in a way that it would kill them many of the times?
    Even if 'god' created wolves, he did not create the domesticated dog - man did, and man's doing made them the way they are when it comes to breeding.
    I'm not saying she should breed her dog. But I have been around dogs my entire life (almost 30 yrs) and every single dog that I've ever seen that got pregnant on her first heat, (which has always been at 9-12 months, which is when they go in to heat by the way, except for a few exceptions at a earlier age) anyway, not one single dog that I've personally seen has ever had problems or died from it. Not to say it couldn't happen. And to your human comment, when I was 13, my best friend was 12, she got pregnant and was just shy of 13 when she delivered and was just fine. No I don't agree that that is right, especially since the dad was 21 and her parents were fine with it. But that just goes to show that just because she was young doesn't mean she would die. I totally agree, on the whole don't breed or buy while shelter pets die. I'm just saying from a real life point of view, 9 times out of 10 the female dog will be fine when bred on her first heat. If it was the other way around, 9 times out of 10 the dog would die, people wouldn't do it as much as they do.
    Sariss's Avatar
    Sariss Posts: 1,471, Reputation: 244
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    Dec 30, 2009, 07:01 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by dejia143 View Post
    I'm not saying she should breed her dog. But I have been around dogs my entire life (almost 30 yrs) and every single dog that I've ever seen that got pregnant on her first heat, (which has always been at 9-12 months, which is when they go in to heat btw, except for a few exceptions at a earlier age) anyways, not one single dog that I've personally seen has ever had problems or died from it. Not to say it couldnt happen. And to your human comment, when I was 13, my best friend was 12, she got pregnant and was just shy of 13 when she delivered and was just fine. No I dont agree that that is right, especially since the dad was 21 and her parents were fine with it. But that just goes to show that just because she was young doesnt mean she would die. I totally agree, on the whole dont breed or buy while shelter pets die. I'm just saying from a real life point of view, 9 times out of 10 the female dog will be fine when bred on her first heat. If it was the other way around, 9 times out of 10 the dog would die, people wouldnt do it as much as they do.
    What the heck kind of people are you hanging around where people are breeding puppies on their first heat? Does no one have any ethics?

    Trust me. The amount of dogs we've spayed at 6.5 months who have already been through a first heat is a lot. I work at a clinic where we do about 12 spays every week and you see at least for a week that have gone through their first one - breed ranged from Chihuahua to Mastiff.
    And the same time, I've seen many young female dogs die, or would die if we hadn't have intervened.
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    Sariss Posts: 1,471, Reputation: 244
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    Dec 30, 2009, 07:05 PM

    Just to cover my butt, it's not that they don't come into heat late, but you don't see it as much as earlier.

    Surprisingly, we've been having a lot of dogs coming into heat even earlier. We had a golden come in today that was 4 months old and was just entering a heat. o_O
    dejia143's Avatar
    dejia143 Posts: 7, Reputation: 0

    Dec 30, 2009, 07:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Sariss View Post
    What the heck kind of people are you hanging around where people are breeding puppies on their first heat? Does no one have any ethics?

    Trust me. The amount of dogs we've spayed at 6.5 months who have already been through a first heat is a lot. I work at a clinic where we do about 12 spays every week and you see at least 4 a week that have gone through their first one - breed ranged from Chihuahua to Mastiff.
    And the same time, I've seen many young female dogs die, or would die if we hadn't have intervened.
    Well I don't know, maybe the dogs are bred stronger here than in Canada. Sounds like a lot of weak dogs. I have lived in half the states too and have never seen a dog in heat at the age you say. I have heard it can happen, but that it is rare. So you must have a whole sh*t load of rare dogs where you come from. And anyway like I said, I never said she should breed her dog, I have a chihuahua female myself, who is 7 months, has not came in to heat, and I don't plan on letting my male get her on her first heat. But if I did I'm sure she would be fine. The breeder I got my male from, has been breeding chi's for longer than I've been alive. I like to talk to her, you know the only dog she has ever had a problem with was a female that was only 2 lbs and she didn't even know she had been bred as she never noticed her in heat or the males going after her. (she was also about a year old) . I also have 4 pitbulls. Both of my females are spayed now, but before I got them fixed, 1 came in at 9 1/2 months, the other at 11 months.
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    Sariss Posts: 1,471, Reputation: 244
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    Dec 30, 2009, 07:24 PM
    Probably has something to do with numbers. At the rate we go, we spay about 630 dogs a year, so you see it all.
    dejia143's Avatar
    dejia143 Posts: 7, Reputation: 0

    Dec 30, 2009, 07:35 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Sariss View Post
    Probably has something to do with numbers. At the rate we go, we spay about 630 dogs a year, so you see it all.
    Yep, that could be it. I can't imagine a pup at 4 months in heat, that's crazy. That would be awful for one that young to get pregnant, I could see that killing her. Even 6 or 7 months. 9+ months the body is a lot closer to being fully developed than at that much younger age. Anyway, lol, I was bored and decided to make that first comment to see what kind of a rise I could get, and you gave it. Thanks for the good conversation.
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    Sariss Posts: 1,471, Reputation: 244
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    Dec 30, 2009, 07:37 PM

    Well, glad I could entertain you. (wasn't much of a rise by the way, it was more entertainment as well with some of the comments)
    The 'breeder' you told me about gave me some entertainment too by the sounds of it.
    dejia143's Avatar
    dejia143 Posts: 7, Reputation: 0

    Dec 30, 2009, 07:42 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Sariss View Post
    Well, glad I could entertain you. (wasn't much of a rise btw, it was more entertainment as well with some of the comments)
    The 'breeder' you told me about gave me some entertainment too by the sounds of it.
    Yea well, she isn't breeding show dogs or anything, but really has been breeding her dogs that long. She's an old lady, probably in her 60-70's. Retired, breeds her dogs for gambling money. Her male is already almost 17 and still making babies.
    Sariss's Avatar
    Sariss Posts: 1,471, Reputation: 244
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    Dec 30, 2009, 07:44 PM

    I won't even touch that, lawl..
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Dec 30, 2009, 10:42 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by dejia143 View Post
    Yea well, she isnt breeding show dogs or anything, but really has been breeding her dogs that long. She's an old lady, probably in her 60-70's. Retired, breeds her dogs for gambling money. Her male is already almost 17 and still making babies.
    I will touch it Sariss...

    Dogs should NEVER be bred for money.

    Dogs should not be bred on their first heat either, no it is not healthy no matter what you try and say.

    Coming from a show family I am adamant about only breeding dogs of QUALITY and HEALTH.
    Not just meaning your dog looks cute and you took it to the vet and they said it's a healthy dog.

    You need to read the breed standard and make sure your dog is good enough to breed.
    Now I know all you people who don't show will think the breed standard is silly but it is NOT.
    If people didn't follow the breed standard you would end up with Chihuahuas being 15 inches tall and Dachshunds being 10 miles long.
    There is a REASON the breed standard exists, and it isn't just for show dogs.

    Next comes health. I can pretty well guarantee you your 'friend' has never health tested any of her dogs.
    Yeah sure she has probably taken them to the vet to see if they are healthy enough to get pregnant and carry the pups to term but that is NOT what health testing is about.

    Health testing ensures the PUPPIES are all healthy by genetically testing both parents for problems.
    This involves taking blood to be sent away for testing.

    You have to have some understanding of genetics to breed dogs properly and sadly most people don't.
    I even know some show breeders who still can't grasp it.

    An example with my breed, the Poodle, is that this breed can get PRA which is blindness.
    There are 3 ratings that a dog can come back with after testing.
    A rating - The dog will never go blind and does not carry the gene.
    B rating - The dog will never go blind but they DO carry the gene.
    C rating - The dog WILL go blind and it WILL pass on the gene.

    Now If you breed an A to an A the puppies will all be A
    If you breed an A to a B you will get half a litter of A's and half a litter of B's
    If you breed B to B the whole litter will be B's
    If you breed A to C you will get a whole litter of B's
    If you breed B to C you will get half a litter of B's and half C's

    Now the thing with PRA is that the dog doesn't go blind until it is older, usually around the age of 5 or 6 and by this age the dog would have already had several litters... meaning you could have potentially sold up to a dozen puppies to people who WILL go blind.

    Not very fair on the dogs or the new owners is it?
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