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    supr946's Avatar
    supr946 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 13, 2011, 06:34 PM
    Dragging butt
    Why is my dog dragging her butt like every 3 minutes
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Jul 13, 2011, 07:01 PM

    It itches?

    Perhaps its got some form of skin irritation.
    paleophlatus's Avatar
    paleophlatus Posts: 459, Reputation: 112
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    Jul 13, 2011, 10:35 PM
    Better take a look, there may be a bit of dried BM stuck in the hair back there, and that usually needs a little help getting it off. One of the joys of ownership. Don't despair... a tissue, a firm grip, and a sharp little tug usually gets the job done. If not, a careful use of the scissors will.

    If not, it is probably that his anal glands are full and 'noticeable' to him. They won't scrape off, but also need help getting emptied. Anal sacs are pea sized, glandular structures at the 4 and 8 o'clock position located in the sphincter muscles around the rectum. They are scent glands that normally will empty a bit with each bowel movement.

    However, if the area is obviously swollen, even reddened, this may suggest infected anal sacs and you need the vet to treat them before they rupture. In more advanced cases, before they rupture they are quite painful. The contents are quite pungent, even disagreeable, to the nose. While they need to be emptied, the fact that they haven't done so normally is the hint that the vet ought to do it.

    One reason he is scooting is NOT because he has worms, so don't waste any time or money on worming him, unless you can be shown that he really does have worms by way of a fecal exam (from the vet).
    Aurora_Bell's Avatar
    Aurora_Bell Posts: 4,193, Reputation: 822
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    Jul 14, 2011, 06:54 AM

    Why would you say that worms are not an indication? And why wouldn't you suggest that the dog be regularly treated for worms? I don't treat all year long but in spring summer and fall my dogs get their monthly doses of Revolution. I was always under the impression that butt dragging could imply a worm infestation. (not at all trying to sound confrontational, I honestly thought an itchy bum can be an indicator of worms)

    I do agree that anal blocks are the most common cause for butt dragging. If you are feeding your dog a lot of human food, or noticing that he is having a lot of loose stools (can also indicate worms) than he is not getting the help he needs from the firmer stools to release his anal glands. You can express these yourself, have gloves and puke bucket ready :) but a seasoned groomer can also do this for you at a minimal charge (worth it to me).
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Jul 14, 2011, 07:53 AM

    Glands are relatively easy to do yourself, once you know how. But they can be tricky to feel for if you don't know the exact location, how much to squeeze and pull etc. so it's always best to talk to your vet and get them to show you the exact procedure before you "have a go", you can do damage if not done correctly.

    When you are ready to try yourself I would suggest double rubber gloves and a garbage bag with a hole cut for your head... perhaps a gas mask as well.

    It may be something as simple as a rash from sitting on something that irritated the skin, or it could be something more serious, either way your vet will know.
    paleophlatus's Avatar
    paleophlatus Posts: 459, Reputation: 112
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    Jul 14, 2011, 03:36 PM
    You said it, as did-do millions of other people, that you were under the impression that butt dragging meant worms. Worms do not inhabit the area of the anus, except occasionally tape worms. I suspect that many vets indirectly support that contention as well... it usually means $$# in their pockets. But many other vets agree with me, it has no correlation to worms. Do some dogs have worms and scoot? Most likely, since worms are fairly common... more so than butt scooting. Pinworms cause rectal itching, I believe but don't know for sure. If so, this is probably where the itchy butt idea of worms originated. Kids can get pinworms. Dogs do not get pinworms. (MD's take note, please)

    Worming... I do not, except in certain, explicit cases, recommend periodic worming. For example, whip worms are not a common parasite, but need to be treated with specific medication for their removal. I have yet to find a medicine off the shelf at the grocery store or PetSmart that will reliably kill them. Generally, the least expensive medication for worms is the least effective, and the 'hardest' on the dog's system... malaise and diarrhea being the most common 'side effects'. Tape worms are fairly common, but normally cause no noticeable effects. What gets most people into the office for tapeworm medicine is seeing the segments in the stool.

    The point against periodic worming is, what are you treating for? Hooks, roundworms, whips, tapes? Why? An annual infection with hookworms or roundworms is not likely to cause much in the way of signs of infection in a dog, or cat. Plus, it isn't inexpensive. Revolution is used for more than worming, so you are really getting the worming as a bonus, right?

    Fecal impaction as a cause of scooting is, fortunately, an uncommon occurrence, and generally the owner has some hand in it's happening, but not always, as you have so aptly pointed out (and thank you). Most common, around my house, is a little, pea sized, 'dingle-berry' stuck somewhere in the hair 'back there'. Why it stuck I don't know, because it has been there long enough to completely dry and I don't watch every BM Taz has. But that is what I expect when I heist his tail. Next is the dreaded stool 'mess', followed by anal glands (sacs, sorry).

    Let's see... probably have missed something, but let me know and will try and explain.
    Aurora_Bell's Avatar
    Aurora_Bell Posts: 4,193, Reputation: 822
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    Jul 14, 2011, 06:19 PM

    Nahh, I totally get it. You know the only reason I thought itchy butt meant worms was because surprise, surprise my vet told me so. Of course this was over 10 years ago and would have no clue as if he told me what specific worm they had. I know all puppies I have ever had have had worms, so it was just natural to treat. I may be misunderstanding, but are you saying worms are "no big thing"?

    Yes I do use revolution because it also treat fleas as well as worms. Good to know hook worm isn't so common because my vet is CONSTANTLY trying to sell me hook worm meds, like EVERY month. I always had a general idea they weren't so common, but of course when I asked it was dismissed. Anywhoo, I use revolution and I do a regular worm treatment because me and my dogs are in the woods constantly. I live in the woods, and I camp in even deeper woods. So I tend to err on the side of caution.

    Thank you for answering that, it's great info, clear and precise.
    paleophlatus's Avatar
    paleophlatus Posts: 459, Reputation: 112
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    Jul 14, 2011, 07:16 PM
    Hold up... I said worm infections of a year or less were usually not sufficient to create noticeable problems in pets... NOT that worms were no big deal. Puppy hooks are a huge deal, and if you would get your mommas well wormed, (by testing her first, and worming accordingly after), before pregnancy, I'll bet you would not have puppy worms. Maternal transfer is the ONLY way puppies can be born with worms, either hooks or roundworms, and, I suppose, heart worms, but am not aware of any such transfer. Do you have heartworm where you are?

    You have my curiosity piquéd now. Have lots to look up and check out.
    Lucky098's Avatar
    Lucky098 Posts: 2,594, Reputation: 543
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    Jul 14, 2011, 08:35 PM

    I use to think that butt dragging was worms, too. I think I read it somewhere. I learned that butt dragging was anal gland problems in school..

    If the dog cannot express the glands themselves, take the dog in. Its never a fun thing to deal with ruptured, infected anal glands..
    Aurora_Bell's Avatar
    Aurora_Bell Posts: 4,193, Reputation: 822
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    Jul 15, 2011, 02:50 AM

    Ohh wait wait wait, I do NOT breed. Nope not this lady. I'm a pure rescue gal. Which would probably explain the worms. (I hope). My parents and aunt used to breed GSD's years ago, and no worms with those pups. Yes we do have heart worm and I do treat for that regularly, it's as expensive as hell, but worth it In my opinion.

    Thanks for clearing that up, I didn't think worms were no big deal, but I guess if you didn't know exactly when your dog got worms, it's hard to tell how long they have had them for. When I see dogs who bloat immediately after eating, and then are back to a bone rack with in a few hours, I tend to think worms. We always treat the dogs for all worms as soon as they come into the shelter, it's just easier not knowing their true history or past. People are on this new kick of saying they "found" the dog wandering around and can't keep it so they don't have to pay the surrender fee. One man brought his kid in to say good by to the "stray" they found, the poor boy was bawling and well, just not acting like he was a stray. You can tend to read a person when you deal with these people on a daily basis.
    paleophlatus's Avatar
    paleophlatus Posts: 459, Reputation: 112
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    Jul 15, 2011, 08:03 PM
    'Nuff said, before we seemingly change the topic of this thread.

    When your dog scoots it's butt across the furniture, or Oriental, or driveway... think to look before blaming other things, OK?

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