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Movie trailer about a Facebook movie,girl finding her friends
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It was a trailer for a movie about Facebook
Need help finding out the name of a movie.
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I only know one scene of this movie I saw in a clip. I have no idea what its called or where I saw it. There is a group of asian kids possibly from japan. They in like their school uniform they take what seems to be acid and they start tripping out doing all this crazy stuff, and are at the park or...
Finding a movie
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Please help. I am looking for a movie that I have not seen in many years. It is from the 80's. It takes place in a bioteck laboratory. The sensors detect that a spill happens and shuts down the whole lab. A few people get trapped and the ones that are effected turn into zombies and kill. A few...
Finding a movie
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Hi I seen a horror film when I was very young about lots of insects they were in a woman's hair when she was in a shower and I seem to recall they spelt as message on a wall .I know it isn't much to go on I have no idea of the title think the guy in the film had a beard View more questions Search