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    desii's Avatar
    desii Posts: 57, Reputation: 2
    Junior Member

    Sep 16, 2004, 08:02 PM
    Death of a parent
    I'm 15 yrs old and I keep thinking about my mom. She keeps getting sick and isn't taklin care of her heal and when I do tell her to go to the gym or go walking she just yelles at me. I lost my dad when I was 5 and I don't want my mom to go. Now a days I've been thinking a lot of her goinng a way. I know it will happen and I have a feeelin it is going to happen soon. I can't deal with it. I have to slap myself from getting away from the thoughts. I try to get her to take care of her heal. What should I do? And what should I do to stop thinking about it? When I do I some times get teary eyes. I'm so harsh to her and some times yell I feel so guilty...
    lil miss vixen's Avatar
    lil miss vixen Posts: 49, Reputation: 0
    Junior Member

    Jul 8, 2005, 11:08 AM
    Parents health
    I think that your doing the right thing, after my grandfather passed, my grandma started to feel like , if the love of her life is gone, she'd rather be with him, then enjoy her time with her family, and my father and I felt guilty, for making her take care of herself, and I know, it hurts to see your loved one ill, but keep it up, just give her her space. Gentle reminders are good, and if you set the example, she will follow eventually.
    And I'm sorry about your father.
    -mz. vixen
    mikezapwnzor's Avatar
    mikezapwnzor Posts: 99, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Jul 25, 2007, 01:34 PM
    Damn it... make me get all sad...

    I guess really the only thing you can do is to talk with her about how you're worried and how you don't like her to be mean to you. Just try to work it out and keep both of you happy
    openminds's Avatar
    openminds Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 4, 2009, 10:50 PM

    desii, if you are out there and in need of some support for yourself and your mom, check out

    This sight is about learning new ways of healing your pain yourself so you can help others. All the best.

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