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Can I get paid social security taxes back after leaving the US?
[ 3 Answers ]
Hello all, A silly question for which I could find no correct answer. I used to study in the US on an F-1 Visa. Then I got a job and converted to an H-1B visa. Worked for three years and paid taxes. Then converted back to F-1 to finish my MBA and then left the US to come to India. So...
Can NYS levy Social Security income for back taxes?
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I owe New York State income tax for the last couple of Years. Can NYS garnish or levy my Social Security to collect the state Taxes due? Can NYS garnish my earnings if I have a job that only pays
Back child support and Social Security Disability
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I am owed over 40k in back child support for my child. Father has just been approved for SSD and my child will get monthly benefits as well. Normally CSE intercepts tax refunds, etc. and they have already sent an income withholding order to SSA. My question is: Will they intercept his retro...
Do Indian F1 students get Social Security taxes back?
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Well I am amazed as how much you can learn on the website. So here I am again clearing up queries I have had for years... So as far as I nderstand one can claim SSN benefits if a person is a non-resident alien and is on F1 status i.e.. You file 1040-NR-EZ. If you are on F1 and you pass the 183...
Back child support and social security disability back pay
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I live in Texas and I am making court ordered payments fro back child support for a non-minor child. I will be receiving social security disability soon and was wondering since I am making payments will my social security back pay be garnished?:confused: View more questions Search