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Type: Posts; User: ohsohappy

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  1. Answers

    Itchy skin on toes, after July 4th

    Okay, so on July 4th I went out with my neighbor to a mini fair near our town. Long story short, it was outside, really hot, on grass, and there were a decent amount of bugs. Ever since then I have...
  2. Answers

    What show is this from?

    I really like the animation, so I want to know what the show is called. Anyone know?
  3. If you're religious, try having the house...

    If you're religious, try having the house blessed. Young children can see what we can't because they are innocent. I suggest asking a priest come over and bless your house and your child.
  4. I need an idea of what to do with all of the old shrinky dinks I made!

    So a while ago I made some pretty cute shrinky dinks. I can't make them in to bracelets or anything because I didn't make a hole or anything, so really, they're just of tiny pictures. But now I don't...
  5. Answers

    Sticky: Haha you see, I have the same hair type as my...

    Haha you see, I have the same hair type as my mother. She's had 2 kids, and her hair is exactly the same as mine. I don't think the pregnancy hormones will change that. But I won't be having children...
  6. First off, I seriously doubt you're ugly. Like...

    First off, I seriously doubt you're ugly. Like you said, You're shy. If it's really obvious, people are less likely to approach you because you're sort of just hanging out. How do you interact with...
  7. Answers

    Sticky: I'm really jealous of your hair. It looks like it...

    I'm really jealous of your hair. It looks like it has perfect wave and volume, and it's so SHINY! Mine only does what it's doing in my picture. I can't get it to stay in curls for the life of me....
  8. I second that you're doing well giving this some...

    I second that you're doing well giving this some serious thought. I know this can't be easy for you but it sounds like you're just terrified of losing her. If you trust her you have to break your...
  9. Answers

    Tal said exactly what I was going to say. If...

    Tal said exactly what I was going to say. If someone did that to me I'd actually forget, because that's stupid. I don't play those games. You showed him that you play games, so now all he wants to do...
  10. Answers

    My boyfriend lives with me, and even so there are...

    My boyfriend lives with me, and even so there are still times he doesn't want to talk to me. Sometimes he's in a bad mood, or he's working on homework, or hanging out with his friends or spending...
  11. Answers

    Sticky: Thank you. :) We had to take pictures for a board...

    Thank you. :) We had to take pictures for a board at work, and this one was my favorite. I just wish I didn't have so many fly-aways. :)
  12. Answers

    Sticky: Me at work. I was having a terrible hair day. :)

    Me at work. I was having a terrible hair day. :)
  13. Good luck Pogo. Just try starting with whatever...

    Good luck Pogo. Just try starting with whatever is happening around you two. Maybe just smile at her in the hall from time to time, and say "hey" It will Piqué her interest and she might even just...
  14. I think that your friends didn't know how to...

    I think that your friends didn't know how to react. Like Chuck said, it's probably a normal thing to them. If they mention it again just tell them that you haven't found the right person and that you...
  15. I think that you should get to know this guy. It...

    I think that you should get to know this guy. It doesn't mean you have to have sex with him, but you should at least give him a chance to prove himself. If you're waiting for Mr. Right, the only way...
  16. Did you not read what I posted? She's not going...

    Did you not read what I posted? She's not going to reject you, she's going to keep flirting with you. She's also not confirming a relationship, and she won't.
  17. Answers

    Sometimes I think I see things from the corners...

    Sometimes I think I see things from the corners of my eyes, but it's only for a split second. When I wake up in the middle of the night, Occasionally I will see a white shadow for a second and then...
  18. I'm glad you did that! I know of a lot of parents...

    I'm glad you did that! I know of a lot of parents that would just make excuses as to why they can't discipline their child. Even though I have no child of my own (I'm 21) I helped my mother raise my...
  19. Tal is right. The girl you're in love with KNOWS...

    Tal is right. The girl you're in love with KNOWS you're going to stick around if she keeps it up, but that if she wanted to be with you she would be, she wouldn't be playing games. It seems to me...
  20. How old are you two? Just so I can get a better...

    How old are you two? Just so I can get a better understanding.
  21. Take his keys. You're still his parent and you...

    Take his keys. You're still his parent and you can do that. I wouldn't put them in a place that he can take them back either. If he wants to be able to use his truck again he needs to learn to...
  22. Answers

    It's not Nicholas I'm confused about, I know for...

    It's not Nicholas I'm confused about, I know for a fact that he's the one I want to have a child with in the future. And I'm not at all worried about waiting, because I want to wait. I know I'm not...
  23. Answers

    What's making me want a baby so badly?

    For the past few months now I've really been wanting a baby. I'm 21, and so is my boyfriend. I'm not financially ready for a baby, and my boyfriend is neither financially or emotionally ready. Now,...
  24. Answers

    I do want to be with him, I just don't think this...

    I do want to be with him, I just don't think this is the right time. I feel like I need to sort myself out. But I'm worried that if we take a break then I won't get him back. I love him so much, it's...
  25. Answers

    The things is that he's happy. He thinks I'm just...

    The things is that he's happy. He thinks I'm just depressed but it's more than that. I feel like I'm just sort of there but not. I told him I don't feel right. He tries to make me feel better. But I...
  26. Answers

    Sticky: This one is from a couple of months ago. I look...

    This one is from a couple of months ago. I look 10.
  27. Answers

    I'm not sure how to approach it. I try to tell...

    I'm not sure how to approach it. I try to tell him how I'm feeling but I'm not sure he understands. I don't know where to go from here.
  28. Answers

    I'm feeling bored with my relationship.

    Here's the issue. I really care about Nicholas. I can honestly see myself with him in the future. Right now though, I'm just so bored with the way things are. We're both in school and he's three...
  29. Answers

    Check dates on posts, this is a year old. MMMkay?

    Check dates on posts, this is a year old. MMMkay?
  30. Old thread. Can we close it now?

    Old thread. Can we close it now?
  31. Answers

    I use the squirt bottle for my cats and it works...

    I use the squirt bottle for my cats and it works like a charm. Sometimes I don't even have to touch it, I can say their name and look at the squirt bottle and they separate. :)
  32. Answers

    Or I can watch it on anilinkz and watch Caanad or...

    Or I can watch it on anilinkz and watch Caanad or whatever it is called
  33. They usually give you plenty of time to get to...

    They usually give you plenty of time to get to your next class. Make sure you have the materials you need before each class. Trust me, you'll get the hang of it. It's pretty simple. They let you...
  34. Answers

    F you've been travelling, under a lot of stress,...

    F you've been travelling, under a lot of stress, more sexually active than usual or have changed your eating habits you could just be late. If you still don't get your period within the next couple...
  35. Answers

    Tell her that Tornados often redirect or even...

    Tell her that Tornados often redirect or even disperse before they can cause large amounts of damage to certain areas. Just because the tornado is in the state doesn't mean that it's anywhere near...
  36. Answers

    It's sort of like the severity of the crime...

    It's sort of like the severity of the crime committed. Like there's degrees of murder, there are also degrees of sex offense. Someone who murdered out of self defense, or accident will have a...
  37. Answers

    If he supposedly loves his girlfriend and has...

    If he supposedly loves his girlfriend and has been with her for 3 years then he never intended on getting back with you, he just wants to make youfeel guilty. He's being selfish and jealous for no...
  38. Answers

    There are four equal sides to a square right? If...

    There are four equal sides to a square right? If the distance around the square is 6.8; You will want to divide 6.8 by 4 in order to know the length of each side.
  39. Close?

  40. Answers

    LOL! It's not my lips though. I just found thm on...

    LOL! It's not my lips though. I just found thm on the internet somewhere.

    Now then. It' been a while (again) since I've been on. I've been really busy. After my vacation I had to get ready for...
  41. Answers

    Yeah nick is still around. :) we've been doing...

    Yeah nick is still around. :) we've been doing pretty well. Not sure how school is going to effect us this semester but I'm sure we'll be fine. I just want this weather to be over. All of this cold...
  42. Answers

    I'm finally Back fom Hawaii. I loved it, all two...

    I'm finally Back fom Hawaii. I loved it, all two weeks. It's hard to believe it's over. It's the best vacation I've had. :) Now I get to go back to school Monday, What's up with that? Lame. :(
  43. Answers

    I'm just glad the semseter is over. I've been...

    I'm just glad the semseter is over. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed. And if that's not enough then I have to start up a new semester soon. UGH. I really don't enjoy school. And not many places...
  44. This kind of crap is the reason I really don't...

    This kind of crap is the reason I really don't have much faith in humanity. People seriously don't know how to use their brains, liquor or not. I mean how hard is it to set a limit for everyone and...
  45. Answers

    So today we are having the first blizzard we've...

    So today we are having the first blizzard we've had in 19-years. The last time there was one it was a halloween blizzard (not like I remember that) But anyway, tomorrow morning the wind chill is...
  46. Answers

    You should start your own thread, if people see...

    You should start your own thread, if people see that this one is so old it's not likely that anyone will post an answer, especially because so few people have posted on this thread. Good luck. :)
  47. Answers

    I know who he is, :) But the boy looks so...

    I know who he is, :) But the boy looks so feminine. It's not fair, I'm jealous. Also, this thread is 10 months old. :) Might want to check the dates before you post.
  48. Answers

    I'm glad you guys are keeping busy. I'm stressing...

    I'm glad you guys are keeping busy. I'm stressing too. I have more school to do before I leave for Hawaii. I ended up finishing the paper, barely. Now I'm trying to get things clean and ready. Also...
  49. Answers

    What are your plans for the holidays? I'm going...

    What are your plans for the holidays? I'm going to visit my dad in HI. :)
  50. Answers

    I've been insane. I sort of fell off the planet...

    I've been insane. I sort of fell off the planet for a while, working, going to school and watching anime. :) LOL. I'm sort of a nerd like that. How about you al? Anything special?
Results 1 to 50 of 500