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Any ideas why a dogs would poop in their sleep?
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My friend has a 12year old springer spaniel that poops while sleeping. He can even doing it while walking around or just hanging out on the floor. He always seems very surprised that this has happened. The vet did not know why. He muscles are fine. HELP!
Why do dogs poop in the house
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Ppop in house
Dogs poop
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I have a yellow lab a little over a yr. and I notice he had a sore on his leg so then I stated to look around at his poop. I noticed some bloody poop. What would that mean?
Dogs and poop problems
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Mucous in dogs poop
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Could someone please help me, my poor Toby as a mucous in his poop. He seems to have try many times before he fully expels. What could this be and how can I fix it? Thanks Toby's mom:) View more questions Search