New Member
Feb 27, 2005, 11:09 PM
A Terrorist, eh?
"adj : characteristic of someone who employs terrorism (especially as a political weapon); a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities"
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
New Member
Feb 27, 2005, 11:54 PM
Hmm.. Terrorist...
The Question is, how do we even distinguish a terrorist?
They can look like anyone that you see out in the streets, in your neighbourhoods. They have similar beliefs, feelings or they may have similar thoughts, but maybe in a different context.
How? :confused:
Well... People are complex because we all think differently, feel differently even though we share the basic level of emotions, thoughts. We even have something called "needs" that motivate us to do things that we think is good for ourselves, or for other people, in order to reach happiness!
Our own needs can motivate us to set a goal and by reaching that goal, we satisfy that need.
Maybe..... terrorist are just as human as you and me.
Maybe...... part of the reason why they commit such acts is because they're unhappy, or it's a part of a need that's been affected in a certain circumstances, like war.
Or it could be that their happiness have been affected from another country, such as the United States (one of the developed countries). Because, the U.S has a lot of things, television, education, military, huge amounts of cash. While undeveloped countries do not have what we take for granted, such as hospitial, medicine, education, or even a house that you live in.
Abraham Maslow was a psychatrist and a sociologist who had written the "Hierarchy of Needs" in the 1940s and the 50's. In the '90's his theory had been adapted to create eight stages of needs.
Needs such as...
"1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc.
2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc.
3. Belongingness and Love needs - work group, family, affection, relationships, etc.
4. Esteem needs - self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc.
5. Cognitive needs - knowledge, meaning, etc.
6. Aesthetic needs - appreciation and search for beauty, balance, form, etc.
7. Self-Actualization needs - realising personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.
8. Transcendence needs - helping others to achieve self actualtization.
Maslow said that needs must be satisfied in the given order. Aims and drive always shift to next higher order needs. Levels 1 to 4 are deficiency motivators; level 5, and by implication 6 to 8, are growth motivators and relatively rarely found. The thwarting of needs is usually a cause of stress (or challenge, even an obstacle)" http://www.businessballs.com/maslow.htm
I will go into detail of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and how it applies to the individual level to a country in which, thousands of individual lives in. For example, The United States is a hegemonic country that's known as a Superpower. The United States seems like it's trying to get involved with other countries needs, such as Iraq, Pakistan, India, etc.
Meanwhile, underdeveloped countries like India, lack in food, shelter, or cognitive (which is the need for knowledge, such as education).
Also, it looks like the U.S seems to be telling other countries how to reach happiness based on America's rise as a hegemonic nation. But, the problem is that other countries have to develop on their own naturally. Because, they have to go through each stages on their own in order to reach Self-Transcendence (which is basically means self-less). Or happiness...
In my opinion, the world cannot achieve global democracy, if the world is split between developed countries like Canada, U.S and underdeveloped countries like Iraq, Pakistan, Afganistan, etc. Even if one country's needs interferes with the happiness of other states.
Also, the world cannot achieve global democracy, if there are thousands of individuals who are still progressing through each stages, 365 days a year. In different lifestyles, countries, and even in different circumstances. It would appear that the first step towards helping others, is to help yourself, because some problems are right on your doorstep, or next-door, or even at your job...
Ultra Member
Feb 28, 2005, 07:57 AM
Re :terrorism
Part of the confusion is that you do not wage war against terrorism . Terrorism is a form of warfare ,and terrorist use terrorism methods to wage 'asymmetric warfare'( warfare in which the two belligerents are mismatched in their military capabilities ).
"The guerrillas must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea."
- Mao Tse-Tung.
In the case of terrorism asymmetric warfare is carried out covertly by non-governmental actors {terrorists} who are connected to or sympathetic to a particular nation's or interest (ie. Hezzbolah is an agent of Iran *)or in the case of Islamo-fascism , an ideology of hate .
(* another example in the 70s the Red Army Faction waged war against West Germany . After reunification it was revealed that East Germany raised and funded them)
The al -Qaeda attack on the U.S. on 9-11-01 was waged by an organization that has a political goal to create a world wide Caliphate .Bin Laden in the 90s declared in 'fatwas' war against the U.S. for a number of alleged grieviances.
His motivations had nothing to do with the 'needs' you identified .His strict version of Islam rejects most of the materialism that you say is the root of the terrorist grievience .If anything he was angry at the U.S. for introducing such decadence into the middle east . It is notable that most of the terrorists on 9-11 were affluent and college educated . His political ideology is masked in terms of religion ,but it is and always will be trying to achieve a political end. In that regard bin Laden's Islamism and the fascism of Nazi Germany are no different in goal ,and the only difference in method is that he was never able to control a strong nation to use as a base of operations .He had no choice but to wage war the only way he could by 'asymmetric warfare' ;which terrorism is a form .
Junior Member
Jul 15, 2005, 03:57 PM
You want Islamic terror to stop? Stop American terror and facism
It means:
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
This is who the terrorists really are. the rest of these so called terrorists in the jewish media are the only ones standing up against it all, the way we all should have during the 2nd war.. and yes I know they attacked innocent people just like the U.S. has been for 20+ years everywhere and killed them too. and the Islamic attacked are only letting be aware that this is going on, and Blair says we will not change our ways, man they are only getting us innocent people into more and more problems, WE HAVE BEEN SUPPORTING THE BAD GUYS ALL ALONG, they lied once, don't you think they will keep saying lies again?
Wonder why there is no FATWA on anyone else besides the US? Of course you don't. Your answer would probably be, "They are attacking us because we are the only ones who do anything." or something of that nature.
Its important to realize this now, the new World War 4 is called:
That is right folks, we can make a list if things the U.S. has done to avoid a revolution in the last 20 + years with out the Public's (our) knowledge..
And I mean try to remember what was going on inside america at these times and what you really would have done if you knew the decisions that where made...
Like when Bush was elected, NO ONE thought he would take us to war, but they where dead seriously wondering if they should trust him and his Nazi CIA father who takes after his Dad Prosecute Bush, Hitler's Banker and also wants the country to fallow the "New World Order, a book Hitler wrote himself.
This was did NOT turn into a religious one, its was planned as a religious one from the start.
Junior Member
Jul 16, 2005, 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by josephmarkles
terrorist means coward.spineless ,garbbage,trash,poop,etc
Well that's the american government for you then, No wonder the CIA does a in depth study to make sure the ENEMY actually "DOES NOT" have WMODS.
For those people that swore up and down that the CIA was telling the TRUTH about SADAM had WMODS before the invasion in Iraq, you guys proved that your all LIARS to yourselves today... You liars are as gullible and as racist as the Germans who believed the German Media during the second war with the jews, only this time with Muslims and oil
If the U.S. or German system is so perfect, then why ruin the lives of others behind the publics back to pretend its working, and this is what Hitler did during the 2nd war after he wrote the book called the "NEW WORLD ORDER", one that you hear in all of Bush's speaches to the arms forces.
This is another racist Crusade war, the crusades killed anyone who was a ETHNIC JEW, Muslim or ""Christian"". so this nothing to do with the religion at all but that they lie and use religion, if anything, they are the anti christ themselves.
These racist KKK or crusades allways justify there cuase with a theory that Blood lines are actually real and to do with this all. and they trace there people back to Jesus and before to Jacob 8Abrahams Sons) who changed his name to Israel, The only EVIDENCE that exists about blood lines is that God made us all, we are all HUMANS, free to choose what we want to do here and different from each other. and it all happened whil ethe earth expanded, that's all you knuckle heads, WAKE UP! You're the bad guys and trouble makers here.
And maybe Sadam did get some weapons from the CIA, but he sure got rid of them fast, he knew better then to trust Bush Senior and his liars who allways sell guns and wait for a axcuse to attack there customers for using them.
Uber Member
Aug 30, 2005, 11:30 AM
A terrorist is someone who attacks civilians.
Uber Member
Aug 30, 2005, 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by excon
A terrorist is someone who attacks civilians.
Nice try at flamebaiting.
Junior Member
Aug 30, 2005, 12:05 PM
There are many civilian terrorists too I think
Terrorist is
One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism.
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
So basically, terrorists are people who want to intimidate others based on ideological or political reasons
This also is played by all governments who want to attack or invade another country
We have today the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Israel has been stating recently that waiting for The U.S. to also attack Iran around Oct-Dec because the U.S. knows about the opposition with the German elections may not be appropriate, so now Israel wants to attack and terrorize Iran, to destroy all there modern efforts and send them back to the stone age by leaving them with out even power-plants for electricity.
This is what terrorism is.
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2005, 07:48 PM
Definition of "Terrorist"
My definition of a terrorist is someone who engages in irregular war mainly targeting the civilian population with intent to terrorise them.
One engaged in irregular war targeting military installations and personnel is a guerilla.
Junior Member
Sep 1, 2005, 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Morganite
My definition of a terrorist is someone who engages in irregular war mainly targetting the civilian population with intent to terrorise them.
One engaged in irregular war targetting military installations and personell is a guerilla.
A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids.
Your opinions reflect lies from the media, if you really believed them then your definition states that you're the terrorist.
Terrorism is attacking anyone for the sake of intimidation, but with use of all means and seeking total destruction based on there ideologies, since this ideal statement exists your opinion proved that you are a potential terrorist because you lack facts and see things from your own ideology.
I do not recall Osama Ben Laden or any other CIA trained militant groups attacking 9/11, spain or london doing so for any other reasons then the atrocities committed buy the U.S. in afgan, iraq and even israel, palistine and also which your about to see in iran.
So pelase separate you fiction and stick to the facts because you opinion only support the ideology that certain people have more rights then others and can be more sensative to the same matters then others which is all false and falls into classification of racism.
Senior Member
Sep 2, 2005, 08:33 AM
To G-40 - or whatever his name is
You speak much, but say little.
"Empty vessels make most noise" Kung Fu Chi
How you can elicit what I believe about the Rights of Man from me supplying two perfectly well; known and standard defintions is beyond my comprehension.
You know nothing about my political philosopy, or about my political leanings, nor about my nationality.
You make no sense.
Cut the anger and try to think straight.
Junior Member
Sep 2, 2005, 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Morganite
You speak much, but say little.
"Empty vessels make most noise" Kung Fu Chi
How you can elicit what I believe about the Rights of Man from me supplying two perfectly well; known and standard defintions is beyond my comprehension.
You know nothing about my political philosopy, or about my political leanings, nor about my nationality.
You make no sense.
Cut the anger and try to think straight.
How am I angry, I am curious where you got that one from? :)
And by the way, if you do not understand some one why not ask more detail questions to understand them better ratherthen playing the ignorant one by jumping to conclussions?
For your info, I and every non "Kung Fu Chi" fan are not angry, your chinese needs improvement and you lack the right to call anyone angry so leave your "Kung Fu Chi" out of this because it is not working, you still made a ignorant remark and admitted it too by saying you did not understand me yet you think I am angry, think about it OK.
Senior Member
Sep 6, 2005, 08:04 AM
Kung Fu Chi
Again, all heat and no light. You talk without speaking.
Kung Fu Chi is the Chinese name for Confucius.
If you are not angry, why do you write so petulantly?
Is this discussion going anywhere? I think it is not.
Junior Member
Oct 3, 2005, 12:53 PM
Question: Is defending a people who are under the reigns of totolatarian rule such a bad thing? Maybe you didn't hear about the blood baths that saddam had inside stadiums. Maybe you don't hear about the millions of lives taken each year as a result of political oppression. Were the afghans in charge of 9/11, no, but they did facilitate the necessitites of performing such an atrocity. Previous posts practically compare Bush to Stalin. As one of the super powers of the world we have the responsibility to police the world, and unless we do so, we have no integrity seeing how what we would be saying, believing, and doing would not be concurrent. Have there been mistakes in our war on terror? Yes, but I doubt anyone posting in this thread could have done a better job without any hindsight. Being irrationally critical of our government is not going to imporve anything. People like Ted Kennedy don't get anything done! It takes critical analyses of all factors and views of a particular situation, and nothing less. So let's keep the partisan BS out of here.
Junior Member
Oct 3, 2005, 01:50 PM
Yeah its called NAZISM Mr.SS whataver your name stands for , national expansion and national racism aka patriot.
So take your BS back to hell where ignorant idiots like you and Hitler came from I fyour defending Nazism and ideologies over human rights, Sadam and the U.S. where both guilty for the evil they breed.
No one defended people in Iraq from the U.S. they supplied Sadam weapons to infiltrate Iran after Jimmy Carter was presidant because of U.S. hostages, it was Reagan that said we ( the U.S.) will supply Sadam Iran's enemy and teach them a lesson not to mess with us again for having hostages after we tried to bring our democracy into there barbaric system (under there nose ofcourse) and Iran discovered our plots and held our people hostage there at a embassey.
But look who the barbaric people really are, its not the iranians, it's the Greedy Americans who stooped this low to lie politically and brain wash people just like you who forgot Sadam, Osama and the insergions are all American trained forces.
Anyone who falls for the U.S. been the good guys is just simply duped or a huge liar with a invested interest in oil, and selling it with U.S. prices now, and supporting a elligal invasion. if you did not know then check it yourself, but if you're a so called proud patriot then kiss my B*tt cuase your simply another nazi is what your saying, why should people agree with your ideologies when you're the one who has the problem living with the rest of the world? Otherwise I'm sure you agree if you are honest "SS" so one whatever your name means.
The nazis used to say the same things about jews during the second war, they lied about doing people a favor by choosing who is good or bad based on whatever they came up with.
Oil for Blood is a sick sense and barberic since there are many ways to make things work but unfortunately racism plays the U.S. like it did the German people once.
So please do NOt try the U.S. deplomatic propaganda, its over, they are the bad guys in this war, everyone knew Bush was going to take out Sadam for dealing with Russia and make the Suadi's richer, so get out your Bible and read up how it ends for the bad liars like Bush and his oil cronies, nothing new.
Senior Member
Oct 4, 2005, 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by G4-450
Yeah its called NAZISM Mr.SS whataver your name stands for , national expansion and national racism aka patriot.
So take yoru BS back to hell where ignorant idiots like you and Hitler came from i fyour defending Nazism and ideologies over human rights, Sadam and the U.S. where both guilty for the evil they breed.
No one defended people in Iraq from the U.S., they supplied Sadam weapons to infiltrate Iran after Jimmy Carter was presidant becuase of U.S. hostages, it was Reagan that said we ( the U.S.) will supply Sadam Iran's enemy and teach them a lesson not to mess with us again for having hostages after we tried to bring our democracy into there barbaric system (under there nose ofcourse) and Iran discovered our plots and held our people hostage there at a embassey.
but look who the barbaric people really are, its not the iranians, its the Greedy Americans who stooped this low to lie politically and brain wash people just like you who forgot Sadam, Osama and the insergions are all American trained forces.
anyone who falls for the U.S. been the good guys is just simply duped or a huge liar with a invested interest in oil, and selling it with U.S. prices now, and supporting a elligal invasion., if you did not know then check it yourself, but if your a so called proud patriot then kiss my B*tt cuase your simply another nazi is what your saying, why should people agree with your ideologies when your the one who has teh problem living with the rest of the world? otherwise im sure you agree if you are honest "SS" so one whatever your name means.
The nazis used to say the same things about jews during the second war, they lied about doing people a favor by choosing who is good or bad based on whatever they came up with.
Oil for Blood is a sick sense and barberic since there are many ways to make things work but unfortunatly racism plays the U.S. like it did the German people once.
So please do NOt try the U.S. deplomatic propaganda, its over, they are the bad guys in this war, everyone knew Bush ws going to take out Sadam for dealing with Russia and make the Suadi's richer, so get out your Bible and read up how it ends for the bad liars like Bush and his oil cronies, nothing new.
Where did you learn to sweet talk like that?
Junior Member
Oct 4, 2005, 09:58 PM
From you :)
But the difference is I'm not a sick racist who runs around claiming homo sapiens are only white and any other color belongs to some group based on the "theory of evolution" to justify hate crimes like this SS guy here and Bush Fans.
Lets share the truth with the Kid...
If mankind has been on earth over a million years, as the evolutionists tell us, then why do the records of their activity only go back a few thousand years. The evidence agrees with the Bible account, not with the evolutionists. Evolutionary theory is a myth. God created everything; the evidence clearly points to it. Nothing else can explain the mountain of evidence. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts.
- Ancient languages never back beyond c. 3000 B.C. and radiate outward from Mesopotamia
Mes·o·po·ta·mi·a P Pronunciation Key (ms-p-tm-)
An ancient region of southwest Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq. Probably settled before 5000 B.C. the area was the home of numerous early civilizations, including Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, and Assyria. It declined in importance after Mongol invaders destroyed its extensive irrigation system in A.D. 1258.
Conclusion - Man, whom the evolutionists claim to have come into existence over a million years ago, is said to have "stopped evolving" 100,000 years ago. Why then do we not have at least 100,000 years of civilizations, cities, and human remains?
"stopped evolving"??
Come on kids, theories and facts are not the same...
The nazis used theories to justify economic political propaganda and racial hatred, so why should you?
Racism is the deadliest virus on earth, and a fear itself.
A racist usually refuses to believe in thee God that created all life and or there God is not the same God so that they could justify there Jealousy /envy towards others that they refuse to live in the world with and group as non homo Sapiens.
Usually starts with "Jealousy". which is simply a anxiety felt when the (A) person is threatened that the (B) person A/K/A Rival, has the qualities to win the love of thee one they worship, which is (love with adoration daily)..
And this so called threat is illusional since the (A) person only recognized the qualities that the (B) person has as the ones the (A) persons THINKS they lack to win the other. So it is selfish and has no grounds for true love.
Junior Member
Oct 4, 2005, 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Morganite
Again, all heat and no light. You talk without speaking.
Kung Fu Chi is the Chinese name for Confucius.
If you are not angry, why do you write so petulantly?
Is this discussion going anywhere? I think it is not if it shares the world of color people.
I missed this post hypocrite-stine, and a sigmon fried want to be, I guess it is the direction Judaism went since most do not practice these days.
This discussion went many places, it proved that theories never won when the nazis put them to practice, and they will never win when the U.S. government does as well like they are.
Failing to face the facts that people like you "Maget-night" , who judges others from first impressions, appearances and even by the way they write proves your been a hypocrite here, which again calls up your satanic paths which are attempts to dabble into the minds of others to manipulate the discussion in order to win a argument or seem like you win, but in-fact it is your loss like all evil.
So while you practice writing pretty poetry why not start using facts then fiction, your racist and I have already went over why your racism is like all racism, there is not grounds for a argument there, change your theories and grow up to learn how to live in this world you came into instead of fighting it.
Just make up your mind Morgastine, can you live here with humanity or are you such a hater that you prefer to destroy it with what you THINK is best for others like the nazis said about jews once, which was that they where doing them a favor by killing them.
Senior Member
Oct 4, 2005, 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by G4-450
Originally Posted by Morganite
I think it is not if it shares the world of color people.
It's quite clear Morganite did not say that.
Do not intentionally "modify" quotes made of other people.
Don't EVER do something that stupid again.
Junior Member
Oct 5, 2005, 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by psi42
It's quite clear Morganite did not say that.
Do not intentionally "modify" quotes made of other people.
Don't EVER do something that stupid again.
Hey , who said he said it, he means it cuase from time to time he supports thoeries just like many who use them and mean exactly this.
Real seriously ill Racist usually believe these things I mentioned above, and they do not go around acting angry, they simply believe these thoeries, the rest are just haters in general.
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