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    Elaineshere's Avatar
    Elaineshere Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 3, 2011, 08:59 PM
    Probation Warrant for going out of State
    My son has moved to Florida to be near family and he has medical isues where the warmer weather is better for him. He was still on unsupervised probation and figured he could come to Florida. Figured June would be here soon. SOmeone ratted on him and his probation officer has contacted him and says he has to come back. If he doesen't return will they expedite him back?
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jan 3, 2011, 09:14 PM

    Yes that is how it works, he was on probation and could not leave the state without permission and not move without permission.

    He will most likely have a warrant for his arrest at this point and time for violation of probation.

    Depending on where he is at, they may come get him if they want him bad enough, they can come from any US state with no trouble at all. Or they can just not come after him but leave the warrant active ( it will never run out) and just wait for him to be caught closer.

    With a warrant, he may or may not be able to renew his drivers license, it will show up on a back ground check and stop him from gettng any jobs, he will not be abel most likely to borrow any money

    He made a really bad choice

    He should have askd before he left. And yes, someone getting bad and turning you in, is how most people are caught.

    But him returning ( after hiring an attorney in that state) and turning his self back in, is about the only right thing he can do at this point

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