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How do I print fonts?
[ 5 Answers ]
Hi. I'd like to be able to print all of my fonts from my computer so that I have a hard copy to assist me with my design projects. I want my clients to be able to choose how they want the wording to appear on something they ask me to make for them. I know that not everyone can come in and say "I...
Emailing fonts
[ 2 Answers ]
How can I email a font from Vista to Windows XP?
Fonts for Webpages
[ 4 Answers ]
Hi. I am trying to compare different fonts on a web page. The web page is currently being built), however I am unable to see the style of font it is. Eg ariel or Verdana. (I'm not artistic at all and I have no idea) Is there a way to tell what the type of font is. I tired coping it into word... View more questions Search