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    jmj32's Avatar
    jmj32 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 28, 2009, 09:13 AM
    I think I'm crazy
    I'm extremely nervous around people, sometimes to the point that my behavior might be bizarre. A lot of times, I have trouble in social situations because I wonder if my behavior is normal. When I let loose and am just myself, a lot of times I have doubt/ anxiety/ embarrassment afterwards. I've been called weird a lot in my life. The past few years, people have said I was crazy. I became even more paranoid, feeling like everything I did seemed off, and that everyone thought I was crazy. Anyone have an idea what's wrong with me?
    earl237's Avatar
    earl237 Posts: 532, Reputation: 57
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    Feb 28, 2009, 09:18 AM
    I was also very shy and nervous in social situations when I was younger. You didn't say how old you were, but I gradually became more comfortable around people and most of my shyness was gone by the time I finished high school. If your nervousness is seriously affecting your life, you could discuss it with your doctor and he could give you advice on how to cope and possibly prescribe treatment. Good luck.
    thanameizfoxy's Avatar
    thanameizfoxy Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 28, 2009, 08:58 PM
    You are not crazy. I honestly have the same problem sometimes. You just have to deal with it day by day... You will be OK,I promise.
    KBC's Avatar
    KBC Posts: 2,550, Reputation: 487
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    Feb 28, 2009, 09:43 PM

    How old are you?
    Clough's Avatar
    Clough Posts: 26,677, Reputation: 1649
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    Mar 1, 2009, 01:07 AM

    Hi, jmj32!

    For many years, I was very nervous and had anxiety attacks whenever I had to do something in front of a small or large group of people. I'm pretty much over that now. It took a lot of time and practice to get over my fears.

    I agree that it would be helpful to know how old you are, if you would be willing to share that.

    ChihuahuaMomma's Avatar
    ChihuahuaMomma Posts: 7,378, Reputation: 608
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    Mar 1, 2009, 01:33 AM

    This rings an Asperger's bell...

    Here is a link explaining the disorder:
    Asperger syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Your age would be a great help.

    Have you talked to anyone about this? Friends, family, counselor, significant other?
    wannabbeautiful's Avatar
    wannabbeautiful Posts: 38, Reputation: 2
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    Mar 4, 2009, 11:56 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jmj32 View Post
    I'm extremely nervous around people, sometimes to the point that my behavior might be bizarre. A lot of times, I have trouble in social situations b/c I wonder if my behavior is normal. When I let loose and am just myself, a lot of times I have doubt/ anxiety/ embarassment afterwards. I've been called weird a lot in my life. The past few years, people have said I was crazy. I became even more paranoid, feeling like everything I did seemed off, and that everyone thought I was crazy. Anyone have an idea what's wrong with me?
    So, you are not alone. I also think I am crazy. You are not really crazy. I am worse. I have all the symptom you have. And I can't concerntrate on anything. Sometime, I don't hear when someone is talking to me even it is too loud. I forget a lot of things even to change my cloth when I going out or to have a meal. Sometime, I am freaking out by myself. I feel angry without reason and want to kill somebody. I always scared of something, but I really don't know what is that. I don't like crowd. I don't like to talk or look someone. I feel so lonely because I am really alone. I went to the mental doctor once, but he just told me to control my anger and accept the reality. It doesn't help anything. What shall I do?:(
    qwertyfreckle's Avatar
    qwertyfreckle Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 5, 2009, 06:04 PM

    Your definitely not crazy. It does sound kind of like aspergers syndrome, but I can't possibly tell from reading this, but seriously, if I'm not crazy, and I have voices in my head and they still told me that I wasn't crazy, your definitely not. If your concerned though, because it is scary thing your crazy, trust me I know, theen you should speak to someone about it, because having someone tell you your not crazy is a huge relief.
    sajjw's Avatar
    sajjw Posts: 117, Reputation: 9
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    Mar 6, 2009, 04:04 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by wannabbeautiful View Post
    So, you are not alone. I also think I am crazy. You are not really crazy. I am worse. I have all the symptom u have. and I can't concerntrate on anything. Sometime, i don't hear when someone is talking to me even it is too loud. I forget a lot of things even to change my cloth when I going out or to have a meal. sometime, I am freaking out by myself. I feel angry without reason and want to kill somebody. I always scared of something, but I really don't know what is that. I don't like crowd. I don't like to talk or look someone. I feel so lonely because I am really alone. I went to the mental doctor once, but he just told me to control my anger and accept the reality. It doesn't help anything. What shall I do?:(
    You need to go and see your doctor and tell him how you have been feeling and for how long and ask for help.
    wannabbeautiful's Avatar
    wannabbeautiful Posts: 38, Reputation: 2
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    Mar 7, 2009, 08:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by sajjw View Post
    You need to go and see your doctor and tell him how you have been feeling and for how long and ask for help.
    Yes, I definitely should. :o
    asking's Avatar
    asking Posts: 2,673, Reputation: 660
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    Mar 7, 2009, 08:40 PM

    People can become less anxious. Sometimes changes in behavior can help, like getting more sleep and exercise. Sometimes someone in your life is making you miserable through abuse and you need to get away from them. Prayer, meditation, and biofeedback can all help some people. In addition, certain medications can help control anxiety, including antidepressants and beta blockers.

    Don't resign yourself to anxiety. It is very common for people to get into a spiral of anxiety and difficulty behaving "normally" in social situations, which leads to loneliness, depression, and more anxiety. But look for help and you will get better! Whatever you are experiencing need not be permanent at all.

    (When I was little, I was so shy that I hid under the bed every time a stranger came into the house. Today, I never do that!)
    Nestorian's Avatar
    Nestorian Posts: 978, Reputation: 152
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    Mar 7, 2009, 09:42 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jmj32 View Post
    I'm extremely nervous around people, sometimes to the point that my behavior might be bizarre. A lot of times, I have trouble in social situations b/c I wonder if my behavior is normal. When I let loose and am just myself, a lot of times I have doubt/ anxiety/ embarassment afterwards. I've been called weird a lot in my life. The past few years, people have said I was crazy. I became even more paranoid, feeling like everything I did seemed off, and that everyone thought I was crazy. Anyone have an idea what's wrong with me?
    I'm also very shy around people, I always feel like I'm not really supposed to be there you know? Like I just don't belong, and everything I do is socially akward. I sense that others are not like me and that I see things to differently to associate with them, so I usually avoid people. I have come to realize that if you have some interesting things to say, then the nervousness goes away because people ask you all about what you have to say because they like to hear about it, so you are engaged in conversation as apossed to thinking in your head the whole time. Eh?

    You may have social anxiety, or generalized anxiety, best way to get over that may very well be to put yourself in that situation and face it. Try to let go of your thoughts, and focus on just being of present mind, and talking. Not questioning the other person, and not questioing yourself in terms of what the other is thinking, or how you should react. Just react, and act, like you... If you do not know who you are, find yourself and maybe you will be more comfortable with yourself, and therefor making you more confident and relaxed around people and in social situations.

    You may ask me how do I "find my self" exactely? Unfortunately I can not answer that for you, but I can tell you what I did and maybe it will work for you.

    First off, take a good look at yourself, what do you see... Do you like it? If not why? Can you change it? If not what then? So on and so on. I found that I still do not know who I am, but I feel extream stress/anxiety when I don't think I'm being perfect, but what is perfect any way? No one can be perfect, or so I've bin told, I on the other hand believe that we are perfect as we are. We are capable of many things, and so it's up to ust ot decide which of those things we want to be. Relax though, because like the Good song by Led-Zeppelin says, "Yes, there are two paths you can go by, But in the long run, Theres still time to change the road youre on." We can always change who we are to suit who we want to be, or what feels right, or what we know is right.

    I have much more, but the important thing I think to remember is, find a hobby that suits you, and that you enjoy, then once you are into that, if there is more room in your life for another one, fill it. Keep your mind buisy so it won't get board and start "making up" challenges, and difficulties to over come. I do this still but now I'm aware of it and can "change" the way my thoughts go. Best not to tell yourself, "stop thinking of Blank!" because what will happen, you'll think abou it, on account you just made you mind focus on it. So, use distractions, like oh man yesterday I totally lifted what ever it was, my mucles are sore but I feel great. Make a goal, and think abou that. OR join M.M.A. I used to do that, but had to quit. I used to dream about it, just trying to think of a new way to gain a vantage over an opponent, especially if they are bigger then you. Yeah, super fun, painful, sore, hard work, but so worth it. You feel good, you look good (chicks dig it, and some chicks do it too and talk for hours with you about it.). There are other things to do too, like reading, hiking, biking, learning a new language, learning about Psychology (one of my perosnal faves.) or making a bottle rocket, or learning origami, or guitar, etc etc etc.

    Try it, and take care, try to breath and be present of mind. Follow the conversation and ask questions about it, and add your own "two cents."

    Peace be with you.

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