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    sweetness28's Avatar
    sweetness28 Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 13, 2007, 04:05 PM
    Fell in love with best friend She is a girl
    This is the story I met my best friend 7 yrs ago in college I sting feelings for her freshman yr now I kept my feelings secret for a while but she became very affectionate like holding hands and sleeping in the same bed. But she lived a very straight life. I got jealous when she was with other people and she would think I was crazybecause she did not know why. We were inseparable unless she was dating someone we worked together, went to school together we even got an apartment together and a dog. My feelings grew even stronger. After we graduated I finally told her how I felt. She was real cool but any way to make a long story short. Sometimes she tells me she thinks she is a lesbian and then other times she says she only likes boys and she confuses me. But then we flirt with each other all the time. Even when she has a boyfriend. At first I was like you know I am just going to be friends with her and expect nothing else until she pulls me back in. I am so in love with her it hurts cause either she doesn't love me back or she doesn't want to show it. She told me if I was a guy she would have dated me a long time ago maybe even married me. I never make a move on her unless she intiates it. I mean like a hug or handshake or sitting close to oneanother. Then one day she says she wanted to try being with me because she was curious. And like I said she initiates everything. I was in shock so we did it for hours and then for days and then for a week. She loved being with me she said only if I had a penis that would top the cake. Then the following week he met a guy and everything stopped. She still flirts with me but we have not gone far with it yet. Then one day she tells me she tells me that she thinks she does not like boys. And that if l she chose to go that way she wanted to be with me. Then couple days lata she says I could practice with her for other bi relationships but she only like boys. Then she asks me to take her out on dates every time she is with me I pay for everything. She offers but it is like a date but not a date. Lolol its weird. Then she talks about her boyfriend and I get jealous. I always tell her love her and my feelings for her. I turns to me for help, even to hang out she told her boyfriend she rather hangout with me than him. Her ex was jealous of me and called gay. When we lived on campus people thought we ere gay. We are really close we been through a lot together. But now she is living with her boyfriend. I just want to know what she wants from me. Why does she keep pulling me in. Does she love me or am I just something that is always around?:rolleyes:
    sweetness28's Avatar
    sweetness28 Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 13, 2007, 04:06 PM
    Fell in love with best friend
    This is the story I met my best friend 7 yrs ago in college I sting feelings for her freshman yr now I kept my feelings secret for a while but she became very affectionate like holding hands and sleeping in the same bed. But she lived a very straight life. I got jealous when she was with other people and she would think I was crazybecause she did not know why. We were inseparable unless she was dating someone we worked together, went to school together we even got an apartment together and a dog. My feelings grew even stronger. After we graduated I finally told her how I felt. She was real cool but any way to make a long story short. Sometimes she tells me she thinks she is a lesbian and then other times she says she only likes boys and she confuses me. But then we flirt with each other all the time. Even when she has a boyfriend. At first I was like you know I am just going to be friends with her and expect nothing else until she pulls me back in. I am so in love with her it hurts cause either she doesn't love me back or she doesn't want to show it. She told me if I was a guy she would have dated me a long time ago maybe even married me. I never make a move on her unless she intiates it. I mean like a hug or handshake or sitting close to oneanother. Then one day she says she wanted to try being with me because she was curious. And like I said she initiates everything. I was in shock so we did it for hours and then for days and then for a week. She loved being with me she said only if I had a penis that would top the cake. Then the following week he met a guy and everything stopped. She still flirts with me but we have not gone far with it yet. Then one day she tells me she tells me that she thinks she does not like boys. And that if l she chose to go that way she wanted to be with me. Then couple days lata she says I could practice with her for other bi relationships but she only like boys. Then she asks me to take her out on dates every time she is with me I pay for everything. She offers but it is like a date but not a date. Lolol its weird. Then she talks about her boyfriend and I get jealous. I always tell her love her and my feelings for her. I turns to me for help, even to hang out she told her boyfriend she rather hangout with me than him. Her ex was jealous of me and called gay. When we lived on campus people thought we ere gay. We are really close we been through a lot together. But now she is living with her boyfriend. I just want to know what she wants from me. Why does she keep pulling me in. Does she love me or am I just something that is always around?:rolleyes:
    One day I surprised her and took her out for a make over hair makeup outfit I just went all out and I got a limo picked her up and took her too a jazz concert then we went to an exspensive seafood restaurant on the hudson river. Then the limo dropped us off at a hotel and I took her upstairs to room. When she opend the door I had an array of candles lit all over the room with the view of newyork shining through the entire room because it was a suite so the windows were all around. Then I got a room with two double beds with 2 dozen roses and chocolate roses scattered across each bed. And I looked at her I have always loved you since freshman yr and I continue to love you. But with love there comes choice and that is why I have the 2 beds. I told her I never want you to do anything you don't want to do. And I got on one knee and said maybe I can't propose with a ring (And I pulled out 24K Gold Rose)but I can start with a flower. And I asked her maybe I can't have you for the rest of my life but tonight could be a moment that will last forever. Will marrying me for the night? She was speechless. I don't know guys what do you think?
    saraispiel19's Avatar
    saraispiel19 Posts: 670, Reputation: 115

    Sep 13, 2007, 04:13 PM
    I honestly think she is just bi-curious

    I'm sorry but I don't think it's α mutuαl feeling.. she still hαs α boyfriend αnd well she lives with him.. don't wαnt to be brαsh αnd sαy "move on she doesn't love you" but how else cαn you sαy it.. let her go if love is whαt you wαnt she cαn't give it to you...

    Good luck girlie <3
    tairyn123's Avatar
    tairyn123 Posts: 12, Reputation: 3
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    Sep 13, 2007, 04:50 PM
    I was in a relationship sort of like this before... very heartbreaking and confusing...

    To be honest it sounds like she is confused and doesn't know what she wants. She doesn't even know who or what she is. You are only going to get your heart broken if you keep going back and forth with her. It might be extremely hard to be friends with her and be in love with her knowing even if she does have feelings with you she can't or won't commit to you in that way. For your mental and emotional health you might want to separate yourself from her if only in a emotional and physical way.

    Good luck...
    statictable's Avatar
    statictable Posts: 436, Reputation: 34
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    Sep 13, 2007, 06:30 PM
    You have given her full power over you, your mind, heart and soul. Do you wish to give her more? Do you enjoy what you are going through? Are you able to think through this or are you floating under a cloud? Is your friend the only person on earth you can call a friend? Do you consider her stable? Perhaps your reward will come from sharing your life or at least your time with a like minded woman who has both hands on the steering wheel. Your dear friend is driving you crazy and given her education she absolutely knows what she's doing or maybe she's driving with no hands on the wheel. Be smart, use your head and be glad for all the memories. Life will continue and joy can be yours, if you so desire.

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