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    ODEA's Avatar
    ODEA Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 18, 2007, 08:26 AM
    Cr-rw now suddenly cd-r
    Am running windows xp and have been backing up data on cd-rw in E drive. Suddenly when trying to update, discs read write protected and read only. I cannot even read info on the discs now. Just installed nero and removed casio 5 which was not working to record on cd-r. can you help me and if you can please explain as clearly as possible. Am 80 and don't understand all the current computer language. Thanks.
    Lowtax4eva's Avatar
    Lowtax4eva Posts: 2,467, Reputation: 190
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    May 18, 2007, 08:43 AM
    It sounds like the drive is just shot and needs to be repalced
    Dchdman's Avatar
    Dchdman Posts: 226, Reputation: 17
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    May 19, 2007, 11:02 PM
    Ok Windows Xp Doesn't need any CD copying Like Nero To copy any information To a CD.

    Insert a CD-R or CD-RW cd into the Disk drive. Find the files you want to copy to CD. Select them individely with Ctrl (Control) and click on them until highlighted. Once all files you what to copy are selected press Ctrl (Control) then C, This will copy the files. Then go to my computer, go into the CD rom drive then Press Ctrl (control) then V, This will temperaly paste then files to the CD rom. Then click on Copy files to CD this should start you off copying the files to CD. Now CD-R cd can only be used once to copy stuff to, on the other hand CD-RW which are re-writables can be used many times. To erase files from a CD-RW go into your CD rom drive and select Erase files from CD-RW. Nero is not needed for XP. Also Copy and Paste functions can be found Under the heading Edit. Only other reason for CD to fails is, Wrong copying programs or it didn't full complete job. CD has become to scratched to use.

    If this helped rate it.
    ODEA's Avatar
    ODEA Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 20, 2007, 01:37 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Dchdman
    Ok Windows Xp Doesn't need any CD copying Like Nero To copy any infomation To a CD.

    Insert a CD-R or CD-RW cd into the Disk drive. Find the files you want to copy to CD. Select them individely with Ctrl (Control) and click on them until highlighted. Once all files you what to copy are selected press Ctrl (Control) then C, This will copy the files. Then go to my computer, go into the CD rom drive then Press Ctrl (control) then V, This will temperaly paste then files to the CD rom. Then click on Copy files to CD this sould start you off copying the files to CD. Now CD-R cd can only be used once to copy stuff to, on the other hand CD-RW which are re-writables can be used many times. To erase files from a CD-RW go into your CD rom drive and select Erase files from CD-RW. Nero is not needed for XP. Also Copy and Paste functions can be found Under the heading Edit. Only other reason for CD to fails is, Wrong copying programs or it didn't full complete job. CD has become to scratched to use.

    If this helped rate it.
    Thanks. I have been backing up files on CD-RW for a couple of years without a problem. When I inserted one of these CD-RW discs in drive to update, I got the message that it was write protected and/or disabled. I had installed Nero to copy songs from my CD's to a CD-R which I managed to do. Wondered if my recent installation had anything to do with my problem. Again, thanks for help.

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