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    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
    Jobs & Parenting Expert

    Jun 29, 2012, 01:23 PM
    Hooked on this site. A tale of high drama and adventure (by talaniman)
    First published: April 2, 2012

    This journey started with getting a new computer–and being too cheap to pay a lousy ticket and the fine that came with it. So like any lazy cheapskate with a new computer, I Googled it and found this site. My first response after posting here was from excon who advised me to pay the fine and keep my nose clean. That worked so well, I looked up other stuff.

    Back then, AMHD was always on top of my list, so as I explored more and found some great discussions, I ended up spending more and more time posting and looking forward to the replies that followed. Little did I know it would become a regular routine or that I would become attached to some of the folks here. That darned HUMOR forum was too good to resist!

    Now, don’t ask me how I became a RELATIONSHIP expert, but I suspect Chery and Wildcat suckered me in with the good comments they had, so I was answering post after post and enjoyed helping the ones who were looking for answers.

    I mean, where else can you go without combing your hair, brushing your teeth, or even putting on clothes? This isn’t just a site–it’s a community of very good people who would help anyone, and it just doesn’t get any better than that. What’s amazing is that there’s always somebody who knows what you don’t know, no matter what it is.

    I have been on several sites and this one is the best, bar none, and I have made too many friends to even consider leaving. Like family, we get mad, sad, frustrated and angry, but we always end up back to the tightly-bonded community that we are.

    So I invite everyone to grab a coffee, join the AMHD community, and browse through the house that has been built by some really great people. The only thing you need is a towel handy to clean off your monitor screen because no site members are able to do it for you, even if it IS all their fault you spit your coffee all over it.

    That’s how it is here–you just never know what people will say! Hell, it’s free too!! What more could you ask for?

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