View Full Version : EtG test-anyone's input is welcomed and appreciated.

Apr 8, 2014, 10:34 PM
I have read from several websites that ETG tests can detect any amount of consumed ethyl alcohol for up to 80 hours, sometimes longer for chronic or heavy use. What is considered chronic or heavy use? If someone has 9 drinks over a 48 hour period, is that considered chronic or heavy use? Or is chronic/heavy use more like 9 plus drinks in one night type of deal? From what I understand one factor to determine the window of detection is volume, so the more alcohol someone consumes higher levels of ETG are detectable over longer periods. Does the type of alcohol consumed make a difference? For example will beer (say budweiser) create the same levels of ETG as a glass of wine, shot, or mixed drink? One last question in regards to incidental exposure which I find interesting/concerning. If a person uses mouthwash and other hygiene products with small amounts of alcohol daily will they have ETG levels greater than 100 ng/ml on any given day?

Apr 9, 2014, 04:53 AM
If you are ordered by the court to not consume or use ANY alcohol... that means everything including using products that contain it as an ingredient. If you stick it up your bum... its still using it and a fail is a legitimate fail.

We are not here to help anyone understand better how to skate by tests, cheat on them or otherwise say anything that encourages people to continue using a substance they are prohibited from using in a manner that will by design let them evade detection..

Apr 9, 2014, 08:00 AM
Had a rough week and for a moment thought about relapsing. I'm good now. Every now and then I just need a reality check to keep my mind on track. Thanks for the info.

Apr 9, 2014, 08:19 AM
Chronic use means use over time. An example is the person who drinks daily.

I understand stress and stressful weeks. It's necessary to find different coping skills.

Apr 9, 2014, 08:20 AM
Good... are you part of any group such as AA where you have people you can call to talk you out of it whenever the thought crosses your mind? If not I'd recommend joining... its easier than toughing it out alone without a support group.

Apr 9, 2014, 11:15 AM
No I'm not in AA but I do see a counselor, L.A.D.A.C. I have an appointment with him today. Its my first time really talking about my problem and working on it. I'm not at the comfort level to open up to a group of people yet but I will eventually.