View Full Version : Recent failed ETG, but I had not consumed any alcohol, Could this fail me?

Feb 28, 2014, 09:26 AM
I recently had a failed ETG urine test. The problem is I have not consumed any alcohol. I went through my daily routine and I found that I actually come in contact with more alcohol than I had thought. My question is, would this be enough for a failed ETG? My probation officer said its not showing false possitive and they are confirming with the UA lab.

Daily contact, I looked up my items online (until now, I realized there is a lot of alcohol in daily items)
1) Shampoo says to have 2% alcohol (used once a day sometimes twice)
2) Body wash has alcohol (used once a day sometimes twice)
3) Deodorant has alcohol (used once a day sometimes twice)
4) Two different asthma inhalers both contain alcohol (used 3-15 times a day)
5) Mouthwash used has 10% alcohol (used 2 times daily)
6) Certain protein bar I eat says chocolate liquor in the ingredients (MetRx choc. Chip cookie dough)
7) I use hand sanitizer all day- I work in a bank, handle money here and there and shake a lot of hands.
8) Rogaine has alcohol (use this twice a day)

Any thoughts on if this is enough to cause a false possitive, I would appreciate it. I did not knowingly go and drink, this is truly from something else. I was thinking about things I knew would set off my interlock in my car.

Feb 28, 2014, 10:23 AM
You are prohibited from all forms of alcohol... including personal products... its your responsibility to refrain from formulations that use it.

You aren't getting a false positive... you are getting a positive because you aren't using alcohol free products as required.

Feb 28, 2014, 01:29 PM
Dermal absorption still counts so anything, the main culprits being the mouthwash and hand sanitizer I Think, probably are what put you over.

It is a common misconception that the alcohol ban is just for drinks but it does include ANY and all alcohol. IT is the only way to prevent people from getting buzzed off things not found in a liquor store. Sorry dude, but the consquences are probably going to stand since they can distinguish between hand sanitizer and rum.