View Full Version : Casablanca fan reapir

Feb 21, 2014, 05:44 AM
Casablanca fan using 2 w-32 controllers. If I turn the fan off and then go and restart it later, the unit will not restart for about 1 hour. When I restart the fan and turn the light button on the unit either stops the fan and no lite or the lights comes on and flicker, they do not stay on steady. Dimming is not working correctly either. I had replaces the board about 10 years ago and was told to also change to the w-32 stitches. The board is a part number 9901120. The fan is 1222t and jw11320. Any help is appriecated

Feb 21, 2014, 07:53 AM
Given the cost of repairing the fan as opposed to replacing a 10+ year old fan, I would just replace the fan.