View Full Version : Why don't I have any hot water when the heater works fine?

Judy V
Feb 10, 2014, 09:34 AM
I have a furnace that uses the hot water from my water tank/heater to produce the heat for my house, but I have little/no hot water.
I had the water heater rental company check the heater and it is working fine (and set on the hotest setting).

Why don't I have any hot water for a shower?


Feb 10, 2014, 09:53 AM
Don't you mean you have a boiler system that your house uses for a source of hot water?

Where are you located... I've never heard of a water heater rental company before.

Feb 10, 2014, 10:17 AM
I think Judy is in fact talking about a FURNACE that uses the hot water coil from a water heater to heat the house (and there are tons of companies that rent water heaters, though fewer and fewer the last few years). Here, high temp. water is directed to the furnace and tempered (mixed and temp. adjusted) water is sent out to the plumbing fixtures in the home. I haven't seen many, but they are out there, for sure!

There are a number of different things that could be causing the issue, but too numerous to troubleshoot here on this site. I suggest calling in an HVAC (heating venting air conditioning) company and have them look at the issue, OK?


Feb 10, 2014, 10:29 AM
Well, you learn something new every day... and that's a new one for me. I thought I've seen or heard of every heating system type in use.

Judy V
Feb 10, 2014, 10:31 AM
Thanks Mark.
And I live in Toronto.
All of the town houses in my condo complex have these furnaces (suspended above the water heater). Very space efficient.

The water heater rental guy said "you need to call a plumber", even though he said the problem is with the furnace - not the water heater.

I just don't want to waste my money calling in the wrong professional.


Feb 10, 2014, 10:53 AM
Moved to Heating and Air from Plumbing.

Judy V
Feb 10, 2014, 11:40 AM
Now that this question has been moved to HVAC, I am hoping someone will be able to HELP!thanks,Judy

Feb 10, 2014, 01:28 PM
Hi Judy.

I stand by my answer. Here, many plumbers are good with furnaces, but the most qualified person to work on this system is a heating and AC technician. Call a local HVAC company as they will be the most up to date with these systems!

Good luck!