View Full Version : Adoption

Nov 14, 2013, 07:43 AM
I'm a single mother of three and I have this desire for a family. I've yearned so many years for happiness. I'm a cancer survivor now for 3 years. I've been through five heart surgeries and still counting. I was in and out of foster care, and as a child I was molested, abused, mentally, and physically by my own family. My mother always has put her husband, and my brother first, although I get so sick at times from the chemo and had to do all radiations. My step father that raised me after foster care, him and his wife do help with my kids, but its stressing me out so bad. This woman hates me with a passion just because my father I and my younger brother had this inseparable relationship. Now we all have fell apart just because she was simply jealous she never had that with her parents.

I was working two jobs, and in college and she would tell my children I don't care about them. She's always degrading me and now I have been mentally abused to where I'm no longer in school not working because I'm still healing and I'm so sad and wish I had a friend mom or dad right now. I've been taking my children to church and I'm praying for a family. I would love to get away from all of them. I've been doing some research on different states for me and my children any suggestions?

Nov 14, 2013, 07:53 AM
I'm so very sorry you are going through all of this, however your post is quite confusing.

What is it about adoption you are asking? Are you wanting to give your children up for adoption? Are you wanting to be adopted?