View Full Version : Can I be a foster kid without my parents agreement?

Jul 12, 2013, 03:43 PM
Hi, I live with my parents but they treat me awful I want to be a foster kid or get adopted from another family that will care for me and love me. My mom treats me like crap. Especially if I did something, she'll raise a knife on me and hit me with it, and calls me a slut and just because I took a picture with my guys friend at the sport award and she saw them on my iPad, Every time I do something wrong she'll bring them up and tell me that they are my boyfriends. She also screams at me and tells me that I will never get out of the house until school comes. So please I'm 16. I know that my parents won't sign the adoption paper but is there anyway that I can be a foster kid without my parents agreement?

Jul 12, 2013, 03:52 PM
Nope... so forget it. Wait until you have to support yourself... and you get nothing handed to you... THEN you will learn your parents are a lot better to you than you thought... and better than anyone else is going to be.

On your own you are entitled to NOTHING you don't earn and pay for yourself. And that is in only 2 very short years.

Jul 12, 2013, 08:20 PM
If your parents are abusing you, you need to talk to a trusted adult (school counselor, teacher, pastor, youth counselor... someone) and have them help you get CPS involved.

Yes, you can be in foster care without your parents' permission--that's usually how it happens, actually: children are taken from their parents for either a short time or permanently by Child Protective Services--but you cannot be adopted without your parents' permission.

If you are being hurt in your home, you can call the police.

Aug 15, 2013, 03:07 PM
If they are harming you in anyway yes you can

Aug 15, 2013, 06:40 PM
Of course there is what is real harm.. versus what a lot of 16 year olds claim is harm... but isn't.(at 16 you don't have a "RIGHT" to date anyone you want for example)

There is an old quote that applies here... "....Jumping out of the frying pan and into the fryer."

As a foster kid you don't get most of the things you will at home... because you are literally being warehoused... the people paid to take care of you. Some are good... some are really cold hearted.

And sometimes you don't see what you had until its gone. The real world can be a hard and cold place... in foster care at 18 you would be put out to fend for yourself... or live on the street.. with no safety net, because on your 18th birthday you are legally an adult and responsible for yourself.

Real abuse you can.call the cops... but perceived abuse... you have to suck up.

I remember 16 well... I also know at 16 you have a lot of misconceptions about life and what you really are entitled to or not.

You usually find out the hard way the first year actually having to pay your own way and support yourself. Reality can be a bitter pill to swallow.

Aug 15, 2013, 09:29 PM
At 16, no you will not be adopted, no one wants a grown teen to adopt.

You may call and have CPS investigate the physcial abuse, she she hits you. They may put you in foster care ( don't expect them to love you, nor expect to do much of anything.)
You may have to change schools since care may be in another district.