View Full Version : I'm pregnant not with father getting married will husband have full rights

Mar 12, 2013, 03:54 PM
I was in a two year relationship with the father of my unborn child. When I got pregnant he wanted me to get an abortion I said no. So I left him and he has not made an effort to contact me has only tried to give me $ for an abortion. My ex boyfriend whom I was with for 3 yrs and I have always remained friends. We got back together right after the father of my unborn child and I split. We are now engaged and getting married march 23rd. He wants to be the father of my unborn child. He wants him to have his last name and he wants to put his name on the birth certificate. Will this work. Will he need to adopt the baby? If he signs because will the baby be legally his as well? What if the biological father who's name will not be on the because come around and wants to be in my child's life which I will deny 100% will this cause any problems. I never want him in his life because he wanted to get an abortion, hasn't been around at all. Please help. I just want to marry this wonderful man and live happy and not have to worry if the biological father will cause problems. My fiancé even called and left him a message asking when I have the baby will there be any conflict. He didn't respond. When I told the biological father I was pregnant he said he didn't want kids but if he had a baby there is nothing and no one that will keep him from being a dad. But yet I haven't. Heard from or seen him since dec I got pregnant in nov. Baby's due in August

Mar 12, 2013, 04:00 PM
Any question on law needs to include your general locale as laws vary by area.

But in most areas, if a couple is married at the time of birth, then the husband is the presumed father.

Mar 12, 2013, 05:45 PM
Scott, you know I'm not a legal expert, but I do have a question. If the biological father does indeed decide to be in this child's life, can't he petition for a DNA test? Wouldn't that cause a problem?

The mother of this child knows that the fiancé isn't the bio dad. Can she legally put the fiancé on the birth certificate as the father knowing full well that he isn't? Isn't that illegal? Falsifying records?

Mar 12, 2013, 06:13 PM
Well I'm assuming that with the wedding only a couple of weeks off it will be before the birth. So it's a legal oddity, but since the laws presumes the husband to be the father it wouldn't be fraud to list him as such.

But yes, depending on the applicable laws, the bio father might be able to claim paternity.

Mar 13, 2013, 08:33 AM
In most areas, if marriage before birth, child is presumed, but the bio father will have rights to challenge, how many years he has that right, will depend on location