View Full Version : Can I kick my ex husband out of my apartment?

Mar 3, 2013, 02:05 PM
I took him in out of pity and now, he won't leave and he's a drug addict. He's stealing our stuff and Im tired of fighting with him. I have called the police before, but they didn't do anything. What legal procedures do I have to do to get him out for good. Please help.. Im at the end of my wits... thank you

Mar 3, 2013, 02:10 PM
If he is your ex husband and has been staying for awhile he may have enough rights that only an eviction will get him out legally. That being said if he is stealing from you then you could have him arrested and also get a restraining order that way he won't be allowed back with the exception of getting his personal things. And to do that the police should accompany him to the residence.