View Full Version : Dogs homemade diet

Aug 19, 2012, 09:12 AM
I started making my one year old pit /lab mix homemade dog food but want to make sure this is not going to harm her health in the future. The recipe I have is : 3-4 boiled boneless chicken thighs, 1 pound of ground beef (cooked in skillet for some fat in her diet), 1 cup of white rice (brown makes her vomit), 2/3 cups of oatmeal, 1 can of kidney beans, 1 cup of yogurt, 2 shredded carrots, 1 bag of frozen thawed and chopped broccoli, 6oz bag of fresh spinach leaves (I blend this into a juice), and 1/2 cup olive oil.

I feed her a measuring cup full in the morning and 3/4 of a measuring cup at dinner time. I put "Solid Gold Seameal" in both meals, 1/2 teaspoon of grounded eggshells in each meal. Along with 1-2 fishoil soft gels in the morning (I cut them open and pour the juice onto her food.)

Is this all my dog needs? Do I need any other vitamins or are my measurements wrong? As of now she has no health problems and is fairly active but my vet did say my dog was a 3 on the weight scale. Thanks in advance!