View Full Version : Need to lighten my skin.

Jun 17, 2012, 11:33 AM
Hello Everyone,

I'm a 21 year old student based in London. I have never bleached or used any sort of strong chemical on my skin besides Nivea and Coco butter.
My skin color at the moment is dark brown (as seen on profil), but I would like to
Lighten my skin 2 shades ligher.

I have dark old scares on my legs that I would like to get rid of as well. When I was a child I was a tomboy and having scares was considered "cool" but now that am older am ashamed to wear shorts/dresses withought black tights due to the scares on my legs. Am graduating from university spring 2013 so hopefully I'll be able to show of my legs

Anyway I was wondering if anyone know any cream,lotion or soap that lightens the skin.
I'm very patient so I don't mind if it's a slow process as long as I get great results.

Thanks for reading my post.

Kindest regards,
Miss Barbro Svan

Jun 17, 2012, 10:20 PM
There are a lot of things you can buy , not sure if they work or not but skin lighten cream is one