View Full Version : To stay or leave relationship?

May 30, 2012, 08:48 AM
I'm a 45 female involved with 48 y/o man for 8 months... He was due to move in my place in 5 days and we have talked and decided to marry in 6 months.

Here is my problem. He is still holding onto thongs from his past (stuffed animals) given to him by exes that he says are from ten years ago. Also he is in therapy to still try and get over the hurt, anxiety, depression that these relationship have caused him to have (hes told me this himself). I feel like if he were truly mature enough and ready to be living together and wanting to marry me he wouldn't be holding onto the past. I told him I wasn't going to give him an ultimatum about the stuff. That what he did with it, or not do with it, was his choice.

But that let ME know where he was with US. Its like he has unfinished business and he's not really deep down ready for what our plans were. Am I right about this?

May 30, 2012, 10:06 AM
Your are 100% right, he has to deal with his past on his own. 10 years ago is a long time, and if he's still holding onto those until today, he's in no shape to be in a relationship. Leave now, and save yourself the trip through his hall of exes.

May 30, 2012, 10:04 PM
You are absolutely right, no way do you give your heart and soul to a guy with this much baggage, and serious flaws. Give him a stuffed animal, and be looking for a healthy guy.