View Full Version : Can short term disability be garnished?

scott denton
May 1, 2012, 01:42 AM
Have full time job but on short term disability for 1-2 months so will be getting pd my base pay but no incentive during that period. In 1997 GMAC repoed my Grand AM & wanted balance in full. I was unable to comply so GMAC turned the acct. over to a law firm. This law firm garnished my wages. In 2010 the garnishment stopped altogether so I assumed it had been satisfied. Last week received letter from same law firm saying I still owe $1900.00 & they will garnish me again if I don't comply. I'm assuming they waited 2 yrs to contact me again to acrue more interest. I admit I did create the original problem & thought I had learned a lesson & had become more diligent with my life & now this raises it's ugly head again. I can make payments when I'm back to work but money is tight until then. Can my short term disability be garnished? I have no depenents. I rent not own($475 per mo.). I have transportation with a loan through the bank which will be pd off in 3 more yrs. Bank note is $400 a month. I have many medical bills due to COPD & those payments are approx. $500 per month but it varies. Utilities are approx. $400 per mo. I live in Page County in Ia. I have a high school diploma & I'm 51 yrs old. Thank you for any help you can give me!

May 1, 2012, 04:59 AM
Yes, short term disability in MOST CASES can be garnished. SS Disability is protected. Other forms are not.

You can always try to negotiate - I'm sure you realize you made several mistakes. One of them was not knowing if the judgment was paid in full or not. I doubt the judgment was kept open in order to collect more interest. I would guess it's either an accounting error OR it was paid in full and someone has made a misake this time around.

The only way to know is to ask.