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Apr 19, 2012, 07:51 PM
A law makes it a crime to knowingly sell distribute or barter a sexually explicit film featuring actors younger than the age of majority. A woman owned an adult video store where she sold explicit videos featuring 18 yr old actors. She took reasonable steps to ensure that no videos featuring younger actors were sold in her store. She incorrectly believed that the age of majority in the jurisdiction was 18, in fact the age of majority in the jurisdiction was 19 yrs old. The woman was arrested and charged with violating the statute in a jurisdiction hat has adopted the MPC. The prosecution does not contest that the woman's error was made honestly. Should she nonetheless be convicted?

Apr 19, 2012, 08:29 PM
Yes, the law by statue has set requirements, unless intent is a required element of the crime. How and why would be a issue at sentencing to effect the sentence.