View Full Version : HELP I want to live with my mom but my dad has custody

Jan 5, 2012, 05:53 PM
I want to live with my mom I'm 16. Because my dad and his wife are horrible to me and my two brothers I will admit I am not a perfect teenager I do let my grades drop and I sometimes do things I'm not suppost to but if it says anything I am in 11th grade and been to 5 different high schools they pull me out for the stupidest things and I just need to know how to set up the prosses to live with my mom advice ?

Jan 5, 2012, 09:21 PM
Your mom will hire an attorney and file in court asking that custody be given to her She will need to prove it is in your best interest.

Jan 7, 2012, 08:47 AM
A great deal of this will depend on why your mother does NOT have custody. That could be something she would have to overcome in order to get custody now.