View Full Version : 2 year old Pomeranian

Dec 9, 2011, 12:45 PM
I have a 2 year old Pomeranian, he hasn't been acting the right for almost a week. Something is going on with his stomach. His stomach is really hard. He won't do anything but lay around and sleep. When he poops it is black and he hasn't been eating much also sometimes when you try to pick him up he cries. What's going on with him?

Dec 9, 2011, 01:00 PM
Take him to a Vet! It could be pancreatitis, he could have eaten something that has punctured his intestines. Black stool can mean it is old blood.

He tries when you pick him up? He's in pain.

Why are you waiting to go to the Vet?

Dec 9, 2011, 01:01 PM
Call the vet TODAY. The black stool is blood and he needs to be seen.

Dec 11, 2011, 04:45 PM
I guess I'll 'third' those ideas. Depressed, won't eat, pain, and black (digested blood) stools... could be either pancreatitis, or hookworms. Both are bad, with these signs, but pancreatitis gets the vote for the most dangerous. Don't try ANY worming until you get a definite answer, OK?

If you can stand the expense, it would be worth going to the emergency clinic, or calling your vet for an after-hours call.

Best wishes