View Full Version : Sick yorkie

Nov 16, 2011, 02:52 PM
Hi, I have a wee yorkie he is now 6 month old,and he is a really fussy eater,he only takes dog food if I add some chicken or sausage to it,but my problem is the last four days he is sick after his evening meal,he throw up all his dinner which is not a lot.. what do you think what should I do with him now.. take him to the vet or just try to keep him on puppy food only?

Nov 16, 2011, 04:09 PM
If the only symptom is the vomiting after dinner I would try giving him a bland food, boiled chicken and rice is good for upset stomachs and see if that helps.

If the vomiting lasts more than a day on the bland food or other symtpoms start to crop up such as lethargy or diarreah then I would make a vet appointment.

Dogs can have 'off' days and get sick just like us, but anything that lasts longer than a day or two or is accompanied by multiple symptoms needs to be seen to.

Nov 17, 2011, 03:53 PM
Thank you for your answer.I will try this way too.Today he been sick again but before dinner now ( just for a change) and hour later he was eating his dinner.. I only gave him dry food tonight so now I waiting.Thank you again.