View Full Version : Dog food to add weight to dog?

Nov 11, 2011, 10:51 PM
Hi, I have a 5 y.o. male German Shepherd Dog that has a good appetite but is hard to keep weight on. His thyroid has been tested, he is normal, his stool sample is always negative,he is on Heart worm tablet year round. His stool's are firm. His coat is shiny and nice I feed him Diamond Chicken/Rice with added meat- cooked Hamburger, I add eggs and sometimes cottage cheese for his coat He is a chow hound, yet he does not have the muscle mass he should have, his face is to thin and you can see his ribs . He is very energytic non stop. I would like to put weight on him and be able to keep it on him where he looks healthier body wise, any ideas would be greatly appreciated, Thanks, Joni

Nov 12, 2011, 08:01 PM
Has he always been a dog that has been hard to keep weight on or has he only dropped weight recently?

Being a highly energetic dog could definitely be a factor, one of mine is very highly strung and also has trouble with keeping weight on. I know it will be an ongoing battle keeping him in condition so I just play around with different foods.

At the moment mine is on a mix of beef and lamb flap and it seems to be working quite well, I can no longer see his ribs easily. You can make up the mix on your own or get your butcher or pet meat supplier to grind it for you. I give 2/3 beef to 1/3 fatty lamb.

If he has always been lean then odds are he will always just be a lean looking dog. But I can understand your frustration.