View Full Version : 6yo female cat... Lethargic for almost a week

Sep 30, 2011, 05:47 AM
Hi, I have a 6yo female cat who is a bit overweight. For several days her behavior has been out of the ordinary. She has been extremely lethargic. She is eating and drinking (I think), but not what she usually does. She is going to the bathroom (I think), but not very often. She purrs lightly when I pet her, and allows me to pick her up but growls a bit. I don't feel that her stomach is tight or that she is dehydrated. She will come when I call her to give her a treat. I have a 3mo kitten that she usually plays with constantly and doesn't want anything to do with him now. The kitten doesn't seem to be worried about her. I noticed this change after I brought the kitten home from the vet's after his first round of shots and being dewormed. The 6yo didn't have worms.

I am concerned that she is not improving, but at the same time since she is eating/drinking/going to bathroom a bit, maybe I am overreacting? My mother suggests it's the change in the weather. I will do anything for my cat, but if I don't absolutely have to take her to vet I would prefer not to. It's traumatic for her and at this moment I'm a bit strapped for cash. But I will do what needs to be done. Any advice? It's greatly appreciated! Thanks.


Oct 3, 2011, 02:35 PM
Lethargic behaviour is typically a symptom of something else being wrong... The problem is that we don't know if it's something like depression (since the new kitten is probably getting more attention) or something more serious like kidney failure.

Ideally you should take your cat to a vet. If there is a specific medical reason, you'll be able to find out pretty quickly and can act accordingly.

I tend to over-react with my cat too, and I find the cost of a vet visit a cheap price to pay for peace of mind.

Oct 3, 2011, 02:43 PM
Well... I don't know if it was a CHEAP price to pay for peace of mind, but I did take her in. Twice in the past 3 days... there's $400 I'll never see again. Basically, they couldn't tell me what was really wrong with her. Didn't know if it was an infection or a virus. They gave her some fluids and antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory med to try and bring down her 105 temp. I have seen immediate results and it looks like she's starting to get better, so I'm hopeful. But the vet was talking about hospitalizing her, etc... and I almost felt like the dr was a car salesman trying to sell me on the latest and greatest rather than the simple stuff that worked anyway.

In any case, thanks for your feedback and I think we're on the road to recovery. Scary week though. ;)

Oct 3, 2011, 02:48 PM
I'm glad to hear she is better.

I know it can feel like you wasted money at the vet, but I don't think you did. You paid to find out she doesn't have a major medical issue, and is going to be better soon.