View Full Version : Cats kidneys

Sep 12, 2011, 02:33 AM
Is there a pill I can give to cat with low funcining kidneys? He will not eat medicated food.

Sep 12, 2011, 04:34 AM
Unfortunately there is no reversal for malfunctioning kidneys in cats, or in fact anyone. CRF chronic renal failure in cats is a common ailment; when the kidneys stop filtering waste, then it is reversed.

I am assuming your cat is elderly?


Sep 14, 2011, 04:07 AM
Although kidney disease cannot be reversed, it definitely can be managed so your pet can live a more comfortable life through it.

Ask your vet if they have any powders for cats with renal failure. We have a few cats on this and they manage well with it: Candioli Pharma - Renal Powder Kidney Support Cats (50 gm) (http://www.healthypets.com/renalcats50gm.html)
I believe you can buy it over the counter (appears you can buy it from that website), but it would be best to check with your vet first.

Sep 14, 2011, 06:55 PM
I do know that there are some supplements and holistic products to help support kidney function in cats, however; not being that familiar with them I would not venture to suggest a particular one to you.
I would certainly research and ask my vet though if I were in your place.
It is important to remember to keep plenty of water out for your cat so that he stays properly hydrated and a clean litterbox so he can eliminate as he needs ,and to and keep a watchful eye on his intake/output so that you can inform your vet if things don't look "normal" to you.
Your Vet may also at some point suggest subcutaneous fluid therapy that you can do at home, don't be shy about it, just do it if he feels that your cat needs this, it is fairly easy and a big help in hydration and flushing the urinary system.
There are also different Prescription Renal diets on the market, so if he doesn't like the first one you try then your vet may be able to suggest another that he will find more palatable.
As the others have mentioned kidney disease is not reversible, but there are things you can do to help manage it.
I'm sorry I know this got a little long, and I wish you and your cat the best.
Keep us posted and let us know how he is doing.