View Full Version : Why is my cat only isolating one of her kittens?

Jun 16, 2011, 12:21 AM
My 11 month old cat had 5 kittens one June 2, 2011. In the last week, she has isolated one kitten, the last born. Both times she has done it, it has been late at night and she puts the kitten on me. Then the mother cat will roll over belly up and purr. I place the kitten beside her and she bathes it and feeds it. The kitten has no apparent problems and she is not abandoning it. After the kitten is done feeding I simply place it back with the others and everything is fine. What should I do? Why is she doing this?

Jun 16, 2011, 12:33 AM
The last kitten is usually the runt who needs more attention then others. Could be that's why she is putting the little thing on you, she knows it needs more and you are doing just what she wants you to do, encouraging her to 'need' it more.

Who knows in the animal world, kdflower, just keep an eye on the little thing. Sometimes the runt of the litter is the best little pet because it had to fight for everything it got.


Jun 16, 2011, 06:16 PM
Sometimes a kitten will get shoved out of the nesting area, or away from mom because she senses something wrong with it. As a result these little guys will die... maybe there wasn't anything wrong but, as Tick said, she didn't want to be bothered, for what ever reason.

You care for it. For now, keep putting it back on mom, maybe she will get tired of 'fighting' you and let the kitten nurse. Otherwise you will need to get some KMR< or kitty milk replacer and a small bottle and feed it. Mom licks it's behind to get it to go potty, #1 and #2. You can do the same with a tissue moistened with warm water... wipe it's behind until it goes on the tissue. (and be glad you're not a cat). Here is a web site that should be a big help for you in your new role...


But, be fairly confident that something wasn't just right, according to mom (and moms are always right?), in case kitty ups and dies on you, or has something, like a heart problem, show up in an exam, we were fore-warned and didn't leave Mother Nature alone.

Jul 18, 2011, 09:36 PM
You, sometimes cat are mean if she keeps her away or doesn't give her attention you do it

Jul 19, 2011, 12:32 PM
ya, somtimes cat are mean if she keeps her away or doesn't give her attention you do it

I have to spread the rep, in this case negative. :(

Al, you've been posting in the cat forums, but it's very clear that you know nothing about cats, especially since you yourself are having issues with your cats, and letting them breed over and over again even though you have no idea how to raise them or their kittens.

Please, this forum is for serious questions and serious answers given by people that actually know what they're talking about. Your advice has been wrong in ever post you've posted, but the OP (original poster) can't know that. Leave this to the people that actually know what they're talking about.

For instance, this post. The cat isn't isolating her kitten because she's mean. That's the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard.

Stick around, post in the forums you actually have info on, read the cat threads if you're interested in cats, behavior issues, medical issues, but please, until you learn something about cats, stop posting advice when it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about.

We pride ourselves on the accuracy of the advice given in the pet forums. Any further bad advice will be reported, or deleted.

Thank you.