View Full Version : My cat always flinches when I try to pet him

Jun 5, 2011, 04:44 PM
I've had limbo since he was 8 weeks old and he was a lively kitten. He loved sleeping by my side and giving me kisses and he was very cuddly. He was always playful too. He's almost a year old now and as time passes he became less and less friendly. I feel like never learned his name, either. He runs away whenever I approach but I hear that's a playful quality. He loves rubbing on my feet and he sometimes loves when I pet him but when I am passing by and try to pet him, he always flinches. And he always runs away from me. Am I doing something wrong? I'm particularly worried that he doesn't respond to his name or anything I try to do to reach out to him.

Jun 5, 2011, 04:59 PM
Has he been neutered?

If he hasn't been, this could be the problem. He will become friendly again and will live longer if you get him neutered.

Jun 6, 2011, 02:10 AM
I think most cats don't bother to learn their names because they never plan to come when called, anyway ! If you associate something 'nice' with his name, he may get the idea and respond, some sort of kitty treat.

If he flinches, you may be moving too fast for his comfort level with you... reach slowly for him. You're probably experiencing the main reason most guys don't like cats... they are not amenable to being controlled, like a dog. Cats like to initiate the interaction with us. For example, most cats will usually not stay in a lap if they are simply picked up and held.

Garfield, the cartoon cat, is fairly representative of many cats.