View Full Version : I want to go to a fosterhome

May 4, 2011, 06:16 PM
My name is angela, I am 11 years old and I want to go to a foster home.My stepdad died a couple months ago and I never met my real dad and since my mom and sister have been presuring me around my weight because they want me to be skinnier than I already am, I had I suicide attempt when I was 9 because of all the things going on and the fact that I couldn't take the rude comments and remarks, but since they (mom and sister) have made fun fun of the fact that I tried to kill myself. I guess that since everything that's happened I just can't take it all the remarks about my suicide attempt and the jokes about how I have no dad and even my weight. I asked my mom what she would do if I went to foster care and she didn't care so I've thought about it for a month now and I know that I want to go to a foster home with a family that actually cares for me won't make me feel like I want to kill myself everyday .
please help I don't know what to do

May 4, 2011, 06:22 PM
Do you have another adult in your life that you are comfortable talking to? Perhaps a teacher, relative, or a friend's parent? You can also let your teacher know that you would like to set up a time to speak to your school counselor. They will be able to help you as well.

May 4, 2011, 08:02 PM
I agree, since tomorrow is a school day maybe you can talk to the school counselor about all of your feelings