View Full Version : My sister what's to have a baby for me.

Apr 29, 2011, 05:55 PM
I live in Florida. Me and my boyfriend want to have kids together but we both have medical problems that is passed can cause a horrbile life for a child or death for the child. We have talked to the family about it and my sister decided that her and her husband would like to have a baby for us. We would like to keep the process simple but we need information on how to give us the child. I know in Florida she can not sign any paper work for 24 to 48 hr after having the baby.

Apr 29, 2011, 07:22 PM
I do NOT recommend this. Genetically the child will be theirs. This can cause a huge strain on a family. Also to adopt you will probably need to be married first. I suggest you find an adoption another way.

Apr 30, 2011, 11:54 AM
What you are technically looking at is surrogacy.

I can tell you right now that adoption from within the family is nearly ALWAYS a way to tear a family apart. You do NOT want to do this.

In FL, you need to be MARRIED, both to adopt and to commission a surrogate mother.

I suggest you get married before you start planning any other additions to your family.