View Full Version : Can I sue my brother for fathering my wife's child?

Mar 13, 2011, 04:49 AM
My son is 25 years old and I am just finding out that my brother actually fathered him with my wife when he was 14 and my wife was 20. Can I sue my brother for reimbusement for all of the costs of having raised him child? Lost in Maine

Mar 13, 2011, 05:38 AM
Maine requires that paternity be established before the child's 18th birthday.
You can sue anyone for just about anything, but not this in Family Court, and I doubt that you will get anything.

Mar 13, 2011, 06:02 AM
Hello Lost:

I read your story, and my jaw dropped... I've heard some really wild stuff here, but this takes the cake. I cannot IMAGINE people, who purportedly love each other, acting this way... Yes, I wear rose colored glasses...

But, when despicable behavior like you describe, comes to light, the glasses come off, and the gloves go on. I agree with joy. I don't think you can find relief in the civil courts. You might, and I stress the word "might", be able to find some relief in the criminal court in the form of restitution...

Your brother should have confided in you earlier, that's true. But, I don't think he did anything TO you. I think your wife did something to ALL three of you. First and foremost, you must take into consideration that your brother is a VICTIM of your wife's pedophilia. Victims often times never speak up, and even deny it happened... In any case, HE can't be blamed...

Given that your wife is the perp, I'd have her arrested for child abuse and ask the court to award you restitution. Certainly, you're going to throw her to the curb, aren't you?? She's a LIAR & a PEDOPHILE.


Mar 13, 2011, 06:09 AM
First you seem to just blame your brother, not your wife, but no, First of course since you were married at the time ( you said wife? ) the child is considered legally yours because he was born when you were married. So legally the child is yours anyway.

Next Is there a DNA test, since I will assume you were both sleeping with her at same time, to confirm it is not your child, and really his

Next you raised this child for 25 years so he is your child and you need to keep it that way in your relationship with the child.

2. Are you divorcing your wife, Since she is as much to blame also. Are you wanting to sue her also ?

But no you can not sue for this

Mar 13, 2011, 06:19 AM
My son is 25 years old and I am just finding out that my brother actually fathered him with my wife when he was 14 and my wife was 20. Can I sue my brother for reimbusement for all of the costs of having raised him child? Lost in Maine

Bottom line is that your brother was a minor child and a victim of sexual abuse. You can't sue the victim. As everyone else is saying there are other remidies for this and those are choices your going to have to make.