View Full Version : Unknown Animated Movie Saw in the 90's

Feb 20, 2011, 10:20 PM
I saw this movie when I was really young so I can't remember too much about it, but this is what I do remember:

1) The main character was a guy that wore a completely red jumpsuit type thing that had a hood that completely covered his head so you couldn't see his face. The jumpsuit kind of looked like one big red sock with a hood. This guy would also carry around some long rifle as well. And he would ride around on some weird creature.

2) There was also some girl with black hair that had bat-wings who was friends with the red guy. I believe she also wore a black bikini top/bra type thing.

3) I can't remember much of the story but I think the red guy used to be bad then he got shot or hit in the head and turned good. The only other part I remember is that there is this huge battle at the end and some guy with just a skull as his head riding atop of a tank gets killed who I recall was a bad guy. The only other thing I remember is that the movie was dark with a Gothic like overtone, was gory, and had profanity. I only remember that because my parents got mad at me for watching it.

Please help I've been trying to find this movie for years.

Feb 20, 2011, 10:53 PM
Try this film by
Ralph Bakshi

Wizards (http://www.badmovies.org/movies/wizards/)

Feb 21, 2011, 03:21 PM
That's it that's definitely it. It's not exactly how I remember it but you found it. THANK YOU SO MUCH