View Full Version : Closed adoption

Jan 30, 2011, 10:57 PM
I am a 19 year old, and I don't know much on the rules or whatever you may call them on closed adoption... I know my birth mom's first name and since she is native american what tribe she is registered with. I just have no idea on how I go about any of this.

Jan 30, 2011, 11:42 PM
Have you asked your adoptive parents about it?

It is unusual for a 19 year old to be part of a closed adoption, honestly. At the time you were born, adoptions were becoming at least partially open. If they DID become closed, it was generally on the part of the adoptive parents, not on the part of birthparents.

Your parents will have more information than we do.

Your first place to start if they will not give you information is on reunion websites. At the top of the adoption forums is a sticky that talks about adoption searches.

Feb 1, 2011, 12:40 AM
Ok thanks... I mean my adoptive parents don't know anything besides: her first name, her tribe, and they gave me some adoption agency papers that just show basic background information. I being 19... do I have to wait to be 21 in order to contact the agency?

Feb 1, 2011, 06:37 AM
Nope, you just need to be 18 and an adult to search.

Contacting the agency is a good first step. As a birth mother, I was advised to leave a letter with the adoption agency with my contact information so that my daughter could find me as an adult. They may have that for you. Some agencies will not hold that information, however. Unfortunately, I don't know how tribal law works for adoptions--you've given me a new area for research!