View Full Version : Does my ex have more rights to my daughter than I do myself

Jul 26, 2010, 03:31 PM
I'm trying to find out if my ex boyfriend has more rights to my daughter than I do myself he's on the birth certificate but she's lived with me since day 1 I'm worried what he will do! It all started when he's new girlfriend got invovled I don't want here near my daughter as I don't trust or like her! I've spoken to a couple of his family members and they've all said that she tries to take over my role as her mother when my ex has my daughter and she gone around saying stuff about me that isn't true!

Jul 26, 2010, 03:54 PM
No, your ex does not have more rights the child you both created, but he has EQUAL rights. Its his child too.

Are there any court orders for custody and visitation? Have you tried discussing this with the father? Instead of being antagonistic about it, try to work with him. Because the fact is that he is the child's father just as much as you are her mother. And you are going to have to live with that fact for the rest of her life.